getgrav / grav-plugin-sitemap

Grav Sitemap Plugin

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Changefrequency float validation error

DavideTriso opened this issue · comments

Setting the changefrequency to 1 causes an error:

"cannot resolve a node with !<,2002:float> explicit tag at line ..., column ...: priority: !!float 1"

    changefreq: yearly
    priority: !!float 1

Weird, seems that YAML is claiming something is wrong in the format, but I cannot replicate the problem.

The error appears every time I set 'changefreq' to 1 in the admin plugin.
I have made some tests and changing the validation type to 'number' for 'header.sitemap.priority' in the blueprint sitemap.yaml seems to solve the problem.

Cannot replicate. If anyone else stumbles on this, comment here