getgauge / html-report

HTML report generation plugin for Gauge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Images not showing up for nested spec directories

cyberjaime45 opened this issue · comments

Expected behavior

Images created by the new CustomScreenshotWriter should show up for for nested specs directories

Actual behavior

The images links are broken if:
specs specDirectory1 specDirectory2 My-Spec.spec
In the html-plugin the screenshot image links address is expected to be: <root_project>reports/staging/html-report/specs/specFolder1/specFolder1/images/screenshot-c7a2f422-bedc-4215-9d4d-94d004210b0a.png

Steps to reproduce

Create a project with nested spec directories

Gauge version

Gauge version: 1.0.7
Commit Hash: ed7b4fd6

flash (0.0.2)
html-report (4.0.9)
java (0.7.4)
json-report (0.3.3)
screenshot (0.0.1)

Waiting for this release. I am also having folder structure as

    - teamName
           - regression
                  - ui
                       - file.spec
                       - file.spec.

would be nice if it accepts for any folder structure under specs.

@Vishnu1067 I tested this branch (251_nested_dir_images). The bug has been fixed. I downloaded the source code and compiled myself. Let me know if you need the zip file for your machine. I hope they release soon.

I have checkout this branch (251_nested_dir_images) and compiled go run build/make.go && go run build/make.go --install

and now gauge -v

Gauge version: 1.0.7

html-report (4.0.10)
java (0.7.4)
screenshot (0.0.1)
spectacle (0.1.3)
xml-report (0.2.1)

When i use ICustomScreenshotGrabber, screenshots are showing in the report (deprecated ICustomScreenshotGrabber)

public class CustomScreenGrabber implements ICustomScreenshotGrabber {

    public byte[] takeScreenshot() {
       return ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES);

But if i use CustomScreenshotWriter, screenshot not placed in images and it is crashed.

public class CustomScreenGrabber implements CustomScreenshotWriter {

    public String takeScreenshot() {
        return ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE).getName();

Correct me if i am doing anything wrong here.

Also not sure i must put env gauge_screenshots_dir as per this PR

@sriv can you please consider to fix this issue or am i missing something? Please advise.

I have checkout this branch (251_nested_dir_images) and compiled go run build/make.go && go run build/make.go --install

and now gauge -v

Gauge version: 1.0.7

html-report (4.0.10)
java (0.7.4)
screenshot (0.0.1)
spectacle (0.1.3)
xml-report (0.2.1)

When i use ICustomScreenshotGrabber, screenshots are showing in the report (deprecated ICustomScreenshotGrabber)

public class CustomScreenGrabber implements ICustomScreenshotGrabber {

    public byte[] takeScreenshot() {
       return ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES);

But if i use CustomScreenshotWriter, screenshot not placed in images and it is crashed.

public class CustomScreenGrabber implements CustomScreenshotWriter {

    public String takeScreenshot() {
        return ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE).getName();

Correct me if i am doing anything wrong here.

Also not sure i must put env gauge_screenshots_dir as per this PR

@Vishnu1067 - sure. will check this out as well.

@Vishnu1067 - your custom screengrabber imlpementation is incorrect. You need to write the file and then return the path. The location of screenshot should be read from gauge_screenshots_dir. Something like this:

    // Return a screenshot file name
    public String takeScreenshot() {
        TakesScreenshot driver = (TakesScreenshot) DriverFactory.getDriver();
        String screenshotFileName = String.format("screenshot-%s.png", UUID.randomUUID().toString());
        File screenshotFile = new File(Paths.get(System.getenv("gauge_screenshots_dir"), screenshotFileName).toString());
        File tmpFile = driver.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
        try {
            FileUtils.copyFile(tmpFile, screenshotFile);
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return screenshotFileName;

I tried this and am able to see the screenshots in all pages (even the nested ones).

PS - the docs mention this:

Ok thank you @sriv. I will try it out

@sriv It works, Thanks.

@sriv When will be expected to release this fix?

The fix is being tested, please watch out for the PR #253 to be merged.