gernest / mention

Twitter like mentions and #hashtags parser for Go(Golang)

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Using apostrophe

kfreiman opened this issue · comments

Right side after apostrophe should't be a part of hashtag.
In case of @bob's cookies only @bob is tag.

Does it not work if you add it to the terminator list?

mention.GetTags('@', v.src, '\'')

Maybe it might be useful to export a CommonEndTags or TwitterEndTags or some such>

We currently use this, which has been working well for us:

var endChars = []rune{'!', '#', '$', '%', '&', '*', '(', ')', '+', '=', '<',
	'>', '?', '/', ':', ';', '\'', '"', ',', '-', '.'}

@Carpetsmoker thanks, it works. I didn't see this option(