georgosgeorgos / few-shot-diffusion-models

Few-Shot Diffusion Models

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t_emd error in ViTset code

zjw511 opened this issue · comments

Im line 223-225: x_set_tmp = batch[:, ix] yout select ns - 1 of data, but you don't select ns-1 t_emd, that cause line 176 :t_emb = t_emb.view(b, ns, -1) error, this t_emd is 49152 contain deleted data t_emd, but x_set 's ns is 5.
I want to know this code is the origin code of your paper result?
Thank you.


Hi, how to run the with dataset cifar? I find that the type of dataset in it is h5py. How did you prepare the dataset?

Hi, how to run the with dataset cifar? I find that the type of dataset in it is h5py. How did you prepare the dataset?

run this code to download cifar100,

from torchmeta.datasets import Omniglot, DoubleMNIST, TripleMNIST, CUB, FC100
dataset = FC100("./", meta_split='train', download=True)

This code will have an errror, but the h5py file arleady download, you ignore that and continue run


run this code to download cifar100,

from torchmeta.datasets import Omniglot, DoubleMNIST, TripleMNIST, CUB, FC100
dataset = FC100("./", meta_split='train', download=True)

This code will have an errror, but the h5py file arleady download, you ignore that and continue run

Thank you.
I met the same error about the shape of t_emb as you mentioned. It seems that there are some other mistakes in this code instead of running directly.

Maybe only unet or vit is correct. I fix vit-set code error and sample code error, and i get 46 FID on Vit-set LAC T, although paper is 40.71.
I won't take more tests,and there is no need to waste time to modify code errors.
If you need help about this, you can email me

Maybe only unet or vit is correct. I fix vit-set code error and sample code error, and i get 46 FID on Vit-set LAC T, although paper is 40.71. I won't take more tests,and there is no need to waste time to modify code errors. If you need help about this, you can email me

Hello, can you tell me how to fix the vit-set code error and sample code error? I met the same problems now.
Thank you.