georgkreimer / docker-gitlab

A Dockerfile that creates a gitlab-6.1.0 server running on top of mysql and nginx.

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Docker GitLab

Current Version: 6.4.3

Dockerfile to build a GitLab container image.

Please refer to upgrading section if coming from previous version

Important notice for existing users

/home/git/data is now setup as the base data directory for the gitlab container. The .ssh, repositories, gitlab-satellites, uploads, backups and hooks directories are now all stored within this directory. This means that only one volume needs to be mounted at /home/git/data for all gitlab data.

To change to the new directory structure follow these steps:

sudo mkdir -p /opt/gitlab/data
sudo mv /opt/gitlab/.ssh /opt/gitlab/data/
sudo mv /opt/gitlab/repositories /opt/gitlab/data/
sudo mv /opt/gitlab/gitlab-satellites /opt/gitlab/data/
sudo mv /opt/gitlab/backups /opt/gitlab/data/

Replace the following parameters from the run command

-v /opt/gitlab/.ssh:/home/git/.ssh
-v /opt/gitlab/repositories:/home/git/repositories
-v /opt/gitlab/gitlab-satellites:/home/git/gitlab-satellites
-v /opt/gitlab/backups:/home/git/gitlab/tmp/backups


-v /opt/gitlab/data:/home/git/data

NOTE: A seperate volume still needs to be mounted for mysql data if the internal mysql server is used.


Pull the docker image from the docker index. This is the recommended method of installation as it is easier to update image in the future. These builds are performed by the Trusted Build service.

docker pull sameersbn/gitlab

Alternately you can build the image yourself.

git clone
cd docker-gitlab
sudo docker build -t="$USER/gitlab" .

Quick Start

Run the gitlab image

GITLAB=$(sudo docker run -d sameersbn/gitlab)
GITLAB_IP=$(sudo docker inspect $GITLAB | grep IPAddres | awk -F'"' '{print $4}')

Access the GitLab application

xdg-open "http://${GITLAB_IP}"

NOTE: Please allow a minute or two for the GitLab application to start.

Login using the default username and password:

You should now have GitLab ready for testing. If you want to use GitLab for more than just testing then please read the Advanced Options section.

Advanced Options

Mounting volumes

GitLab is a code hosting software and as such you don't want to lose your code when the docker container is stopped/deleted. To avoid losing any data, you should mount volumes at.

  • /home/git/data

Volumes can be mounted in docker by specifying the '-v' option in the docker run command.

mkdir /opt/gitlab/data
docker run -d \
  -v /opt/gitlab/data:/home/git/data \

Configuring MySQL database connection

GitLab uses a database backend to store its data.

Using the internal mysql server

This docker image is configured to use a MySQL database backend. The database connection can be configured using environment variables. If not specified, the image will start a mysql server internally and use it. However in this case, the data stored in the mysql database will be lost if the container is stopped/deleted. To avoid this you should mount a volume at /var/lib/mysql.

mkdir /opt/gitlab/mysql
docker run -d \
  -v /opt/gitlab/data:/home/git/data \
  -v /opt/gitlab/mysql:/var/lib/mysql sameersbn/gitlab

This will make sure that the data stored in the database is not lost when the image is stopped and started again.

Using an external mysql server

The image can be configured to use an external MySQL database instead of starting a MySQL server internally. The database configuration should be specified using environment variables while starting the GitLab image.

Before you start the GitLab image create user and database for gitlab.

mysql -uroot -p
CREATE USER 'gitlab'@'%.%.%.%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `gitlabhq_production` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_unicode_ci`;
GRANT SELECT, LOCK TABLES, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, INDEX, ALTER ON `gitlabhq_production`.* TO 'gitlab'@'%.%.%.%';

To make sure the database is initialized start the container with app:db:initialize option.

NOTE: This should be done only for the first run.

Assuming that the mysql server host is

docker run -d \
  -e "DB_HOST=" -e "DB_NAME=gitlabhq_production" -e "DB_USER=gitlab" -e "DB_PASS=password" \
  -v /opt/gitlab/data:/home/git/data \
  sameersbn/gitlab app:db:initialize

This will initialize the gitlab database. Now that the database is initialized, start the container without the initialize command.

docker run -d \
  -e "DB_HOST=" -e "DB_NAME=gitlabhq_production" -e "DB_USER=gitlab" -e "DB_PASS=password" \
  -v /opt/gitlab/data:/home/git/data \

Configuring Mail

The mail configuration should be specified using environment variables while starting the GitLab image. The configuration defaults to using gmail to send emails and requires the specification of a valid username and password to login to the gmail servers.

The following environment variables need to be specified to get mail support to work.

  • SMTP_HOST (defaults to
  • SMTP_PORT (defaults to 587)
docker run -d \
  -e "" -e "SMTP_PASS=PASSWORD" \
  -v /opt/gitlab/data:/home/git/data \

If you are not using google mail, then please configure the SMTP host and port using the SMTP_HOST and SMTP_PORT configuration parameters.


I have only tested standard gmail and google apps login. I expect that the currently provided configuration parameters should be sufficient for most users. If this is not the case, then please let me know.

Putting it all together

docker run -d -h \
  -v /opt/gitlab/data:/home/git/data \
  -v /opt/gitlab/mysql:/var/lib/mysql \
  -e "" -e "" -e "" \
  -e "" -e "SMTP_PASS=PASSWORD" \

If you are using an external mysql database

docker run -d -h \
  -v /opt/gitlab/data:/home/git/data \
  -e "DB_HOST=" -e "DB_NAME=gitlabhq_production" -e "DB_USER=gitlab" -e "DB_PASS=password" \
  -e "" -e "" -e "" \
  -e "" -e "SMTP_PASS=PASSWORD" \

Taking backups

Gitlab defines a rake task to easily take a backup of your gitlab installation. The backup consists of all git repositories, uploaded files and as you might expect, the sql database.

Before taking a backup, please make sure that the gitlab image is not running for obvious reasons

docker stop <container-id>

To take a backup all you need to do is pass the "app:backup" command to the container image.

  docker run -i -t -h \
  -v /opt/gitlab/data:/home/git/data \
  sameersbn/gitlab app:backup

Restoring Backups

Gitlab defines a rake task to easily restore a backup of your gitlab installation. Before performing the restore operation please make sure that the gitlab image is not running.

docker stop <container-id>

To restore a backup, run the image in interactive (-i -t) mode and pass the "app:restore" command to the container image.

  docker run -i -t -h \
  -v /opt/gitlab/data:/home/git/data \
  sameersbn/gitlab app:restore

The restore operation will list all available backups in reverse chronological order. Select the backup you want to restore and gitlab will do its job.


If you upgrading from previous version, please make sure you run the container with app:db:migrate command.

Step 1: Stop the currently running image

docker stop <container-id>

Step 2: Backup the application data.

docker run -i -t [OPTIONS] sameersbn/gitlab app:backup

Step 3: Update the docker image.

docker pull sameersbn/gitlab

Step 4: Migrate the database.

docker run -i -t [OPTIONS] sameersbn/gitlab app:db:migrate

Step 5: Start the image

docker run -i -d [OPTIONS] sameersbn/gitlab

Other options

Below is the complete list of parameters that can be set using environment variables.


      The hostname of the GitLab server. Defaults to localhost

      The email address for the GitLab server. Defaults to gitlab@localhost.

      The support email address for the GitLab server. Defaults to support@localhost.

      Enable or disable gitlab user signup. Default is false. To enable user signup add '-e GITLAB_SIGNUP="true"' to the docker run command parameters.

      The hostname of the redis server. Defaults to localhost

      The connection port of the redis server. Defaults to 6379.

      The number of unicorn workers to start. Defaults to 2.

      Sets the timeout of unicorn worker processes. Defaults to 60 seconds.

      The number of concurrent sidekiq jobs to run. Defaults to 5

      The mysql server hostname. Defaults to localhost.

      The mysql database name. Defaults to gitlabhq_production

      The mysql database user. Defaults to root

      The mysql database password. Defaults to no password

      The mysql database connection pool count. Defaults to 5.

      SMTP server host. Defaults to

      SMTP server port. Defaults to 587.

      SMTP username.

      SMTP password.



A Dockerfile that creates a gitlab-6.1.0 server running on top of mysql and nginx.


Language:Shell 100.0%