georgewhewell / undervolt

Undervolt Intel CPUs under Linux

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Freeze when using systemd

burner1024 opened this issue · comments

From cmd, undervolt appears to be working correctly:

$ sudo undervolt --gpu -100 --core -100 --cache -100 --uncore -100 --analogio -100
$ sudo undervolt --read
temperature target: -25 (75C)
core: -99.61 mV
gpu: -99.61 mV
cache: -99.61 mV
uncore: -99.61 mV
analogio: -99.61 mV
powerlimit: 25.0W (short: 0.00244140625s - disabled) / 25.0W (long: 28.0s - enabled)

But when I put it into a systemd unit as described in readme, and restart the service, the system freezes immediately.
Any tips?

probably your offsets are too aggressive and are too much when your system is under load (during startup)- try reducing them a bit and testing with some load