georgemandis / jekyll-rss-feeds

Templates for rendering RSS feeds for your Jekyll blog

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Output pages using site.html_pages to prevent txt files from outputting and XML with embedded XSLT templates from attempting to be transformed.

I wasn't aware of that variable! I'm assuming that this would return pages, blog posts and other collection content from the Jekyll site? Or does it exclude posts and collection content? I haven't had a chance to test it and it's unclear to me from the documentation.


I'm working on a Prototype right now I'll drop you the template when I finish just don't let me forget!

Sounds good. Thanks! When it's done and the pull request goes through please consider submitting a similar change for my jekyll-json-feed project.

Bad news to share. When used on a medium complexity site Jekyll 3.3.1 causes liquid to spill into the feed. As a result I have nothing to share I would feel comfortable sharing. To reproduce the funky liquid not rendering behavior please see the following instructions: Phlow/feeling-responsive#151

Spent a few hours on it and, unfortunately, liquid output to the feed is a showstopper for me. Closing issue as a result. Please feel free to reopen for your own pursuits.

Got page feeds working wonderfully with jekyll-feed by the way. If doing this be sure to scrub your output for sensitive files such as .well-known/acme-challenge/qXWXT3LE-/index.html.

To clarify, you're saying Liquid spills into the feed when you use site.html_pages instead of site.pages or site.posts? How odd! Must be an issue with Jekyll.

I haven't tried to recreate it but will take a look when I have time. Thanks for trying!

Seemed it was a Jekyll issue. Hard to say. It's an edge or corner case though, as it doesn't happen out of the box. In my case I was using Jekyll 3.3.1 and seeing unprocessed liquid output in my RSS page feed on a medium-sized site when looping over site.html_pages.

In this case a medium-sized site means:

  • About 10 pages made of files ending in both html and md
  • Liberal use of _data YAML within templates
  • About 25 includes to build pages and posts
  • 4 meaty blog posts
  • 5 collections with a combined total of ~230 items
  • A good amount of blob data in _uploads

I wasn't able to isolate the specific area where the edge or corner case was occurring. Here's the liquid I started to write to output the pages, but decided not to further enhance after switching to Atom when taking jekyll-feed:

{% comment %}
  When processing pages we use `site.html_pages` for security reasons.
  Doing so prevents things like `letsencrypt.txt` from being output.
  It also prevents liquid from transforming XML documents using XSLT.
  Template also requires an explicit opt-in via use of `page.export`.
  Use of opt-in helps guard against unintended output on some sites.
{% endcomment %}
{% for page in site.html_pages %}
  {% if page.export %}
    <item type="page">
      <title>{{ page.title | xml_escape }}</title>
      <description>{{ page.content | xml_escape }}</description>
      {% if %}
        <pubDate>{{ | date_to_rfc822 }}</pubDate>
      {% endif %}
      <link>{{ page.url | prepend: site.baseurl | prepend: site.url }}</link>
      <guid isPermaLink="true">{{ page.url | prepend: site.baseurl | prepend: site.url }}</guid>
      <dc:creator>{{ | xml_escape }}</dc:creator>
      {% for cat in page.categories %}
        <category domain="category">{{ cat | xml_escape }}</category>
      {% endfor %}
      {% for tag in page.tags %}
        <category domain="tag">{{ tag | xml_escape }}</category>
      {% endfor %}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Note the non-standard use of type on the item element. I'm sure there's a better way, but I never got that far. I'm using Dublin Core to define the author using dc:creator and XML namespaces defined in the rss element. Dublin Core also supports an element dc:type for identifying items such as aggregations (Collections), and looked promising but, alas, fell short of expectations.