george43g / better-firebase-functions

This repo provides functionality for a better way of organising files, imports and function triggers in Firebase Cloud Functions

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In Node 10+ `FUNCTION_NAME` is replaced with` K_SERVICE`?

alexpchin opened this issue Β· comments

As per

Does this library currently take into consideration:

in Node 10+ FUNCTION_NAME is replaced with K_SERVICE (FUNCTION_TARGET is the function itself, not its name, replacing ENTRY_POINT).

const function_name = process.env.FUNCTION_NAME || process.env.K_SERVICE;

I'm actually very surprised by this. I've tested extensively (developed on even) Node 10.15.3 and never had to use any of those environment variables.

I hope updating this won't break anything older - I believe Node10 is still in beta and opt-in.

I will post again when I have the update published - do you have any other feature requests or suggestions?

Hi @george43g

I've been looking into this more today. I "rolled my own":

const glob = require('glob');
const { set } = require('lodash');
const camelCase = require('camelcase');

const functionDirectory = 'api';
const files = glob.sync(`./${functionDirectory}/**/!(*.test).js`, {
  cwd: __dirname,
const coldStartMsg = '[Optimized] Load Module (Cold-Start)';

const requestedFuncName = () =>
  process.env.FUNCTION_NAME || process.env.K_SERVICE;
const isDeploying = () => !requestedFuncName();
const isBeingCalled = (f) => f === requestedFuncName();
const extractFunc = (func) => func;

for (const file of files) {
  // Strip off '.js', remove functionDirectory, allow nested and camelCase
  const nameToExport = camelCase(
    file.slice(0, -3).replace(`${functionDirectory}/`, '').split('/').join('_'),

  // When deploying a specific function, i.e. `firebase deploy --only functions:activitiesIndex`
  // `isDeploying()` is be false
  // `isBeingCalled(nameToExport)` is be true
  // When deployig all functions, i.e. `firebase deploy`
  // `isDeploying()` will be false
  // `isBeingCalled(nameToExport)` will be true
  if (isDeploying() || isBeingCalled(nameToExport)) {
    if (!isDeploying()) console.time(coldStartMsg);
    let funcToExport;
    try {
      // Use eval due to webpack
      const funcToRequire = eval('require')(file);
      funcToExport = extractFunc(funcToRequire);
    } catch (e) {
    if (!isDeploying()) console.timeEnd(coldStartMsg);
    // Logging
    console.log('function name Node 8', process.env.FUNCTION_NAME);
    console.log('function name Node 10', process.env.K_SERVICE);
    console.log('file', file);
    console.log('funcName', requestedFuncName());
    console.log('nameToExport', nameToExport);
    console.log('isDeploying()', String(isDeploying()));
    set(exports, nameToExport, funcToExport);

And it does appear that function name Node 8 does now give undefined.

I also can't see a case where process.env.K_SERVICE is not defined? In your code, you have isDeployment(). When was this originally designed to return true? Do you remember?


πŸŽ‰ This issue has been resolved in version 3.3.1 πŸŽ‰

The release is available on:

Your semantic-release bot πŸ“¦πŸš€

πŸŽ‰ This issue has been resolved in version 3.3.2 πŸŽ‰

The release is available on:

Your semantic-release bot πŸ“¦πŸš€

The K_SERVICE or FUNCTION_NAME is not defined when the firebase CLI is deploying the functions. Once on the server, I believe it's always defined.

I really like the extra logging you wrote. I'll hopefully include something like that in a future release.

I also really want to look into more features for users in GCP. Any ideas on how to make this more useful are appreciated.

@george43g Nice one. I’ll checkout the new version.

I still face issues with Cold Boots on Cloud Functions, it’s so frustrating... I think it’s the first connection to Firestone so Cold Boot rather than Cold Start. It is doing my head in...
