geonaut / geonaut-portfolio Portfolio Site (Python, Django, Wagtail CMS)

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Source Code for

This is the source code for my personal portolio site, written in Python. It is relatively simple and lightweight, and makes use of the Django framework and Wagtail CMS for managing content.

The site also uses:

  • Bootstrap v3
  • Formspree as a lightweight SMTP relay (contact page)
  • JavaScript incl. JQuery (blog)
  • Taggit for tags (blog)
  • Django Bootstrap Pagination (blog)

Quickstart for Mac

Requirements: Python 2.7, Pip, Virtualenv

  1. Using terminal, create a folder somewhere (eg mkdir mysite)
  2. Move into that folder
  3. Create a virtualenv folder (e.g. virtualenv venv)
  4. Download / clone this repo to a folder inside mysite (e.g. git clone geonaut)
  5. Activate the venv (source venv/bin/activate)
  6. Change into the project directory (cd geonaut)
  7. Install the requirements (pip install -r requirements.txt)
  8. Switch to your IDE. Add the geonaut folder, to see the files.
  9. Copy geonaut/geonaut/settings/ to /settings/
  10. Uncomment the DATABASES = ... snippet (the SQLite one) in
  11. Option 1: To use a pre-populated database
    • Copy the quickstart/db.sqlite3 to the folder above /quickstart
    • Copy the quickstart/media folder to the folder above /quickstart
    • The username is admin and password is password
  12. Option 2: To create your own empty database
    • Create the database with python migrate
    • Create a superuser with python createsuperuser
    • The site will be empty, except for the static homepage
  13. Run the development server (python runserver from whichever folder is in)
  14. Access the site at and

If/when you decide to make your site live, you will need to do various other things, such as:

  1. Make your own secret key (change / add random characters)
  2. Move to PostgreSQL
  3. Move to a production webserver (Nginx / Gunicorn)
  4. Delete the default superuser, and create your own

To Do List

  1. Dynamically fetch categories to create filter switches
  2. Find a more reliable way to display PDFs
  3. Sort script blocking on above-fold content
  4. Add a sitemap
  5. Update to Python 3

About Portfolio Site (Python, Django, Wagtail CMS)


Language:CSS 57.3%Language:Python 25.3%Language:HTML 16.7%Language:JavaScript 0.5%Language:Shell 0.3%