geoffder / dometyl-keyboard

A parametric generator for designing split, concave, ergonomic keyboards written in ocaml.

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scad extension not added to generated files

krankydonkey opened this issue · comments

All the base models and incl_ models are being generated, but only as plain files with no extension. This causes dune build @export_models to not work as well (I'm assuming) as it can't detect any .scad files

Thanks for the report. It's been a long time so I can't remember, but I think my helper to_file or equivalent used to add the .scad on the end to save the repetition. Guess I droppep it along the way cleaning things up. I'll try to push a fix soon, but in the meantime you can just add the extension to the names in

Nice, hope it works out for you this time! I'd like to revisit this and maybe make some improvements while making a new board, but it'll have to wait a bit longer.

Yeap, roundovers on the keyholes (which get swept into walls) are optional.

(Mx.make_hole ?hotswap ~clearance:2. ~corner:(Path3.Round.bez (`Cut 0.5)) ~fn:16 ())

The ~corner optional argument is a roundover function. If you remove it, the walls will have sharp corners like they used to. You can also do chamfering, I'd you'd prefer that (see skeletyl example).

~corner:(Path3.Round.chamf (`Cut 0.5))

Do you mean the connectors that run along the ground, connecting the walls? There is another ~corner for those here:

~corner:(Path3.Round.bez (`Joint 2.))

Also, you might be wanting to get rid of the fillets, which should be able to be done (sorry don't have time to test) by giving ~fillet_h:(`Abs 0.) in the application of Connect.skeleton.

It seems that the image did not make the trip via email.

Afraid not. Taking a guess at what it's about though in the mean time:

For the connectors along the ground, splines are the only option now besides joining the whole height of the wall. Playing with the parameters might get some of the angular look you want back though, like turning ~fn way down (number of points in the spline path). When I was updating I was having trouble coming to a solution for straight connections that I was happy with so I just went with splines (for then, which has lasted until now) since they were less likely to break.