Julian Cross (geo-jules-cross)


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Location:Denver, Colorado

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Julian Cross's repositories


Adapted by Julian Cross; code originally by M. Obryk and E. Waddington (Obryk et al 2017). This model calculates lake-level history of Glacial Lake Washburn in Taylor Valley. This version accounts for the joining of separate lake basins and uses an annual time step. This model can also be used to explore future lake level change in Taylor Valley.



Repository for ICEMELT fortran model and pre- and post- processing scripts. Created to track modifications made to Hoffman et al 2016 ICEMELT version by Julian Cross. This FORTRAN code simulates the temperature and water content within snow and ice in response to the surface energy balance and penetration of solar radiation into the snow and ice.



Adapted by Julian Cross; code originally by M. Obryk and E. Waddington (Obryk et al. 2017). The model calculates lake-level history of a land-locked lake basin, e.g. modern Lakes Bonney, Hoare and Fryxell. This version solved lake basins separately without spill between lakes and uses a daily time-step.
