gender-bias / gender-bias

Reading for gender bias

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Web Design

molliem opened this issue · comments

Goal: user-friendly website ( --There is a mock-up linked to the main page.


  • text box for user's to input text that can communicate with python scripts
  • side bar for feedback from python
  • lots of design help

Hello, Mollie. I love this project and would like to help with UX design and microcopy. I have a few questions, to help guide my thinking and tone.

  1. Who is the primary user for this? The recommendation writer or the recommendation recipient?
  2. If the primary user is the writer, do we anticipate that they are eagerly embracing the opportunity to purge gender bias from their writing?
  3. If the recommendation recipient is a secondary user, would it be useful to have an option for the recipient to send an output sample with an invitation link to this tool to the writer?

Hi TerrieM! Thank you for your interest and help! Insightful questions.

  1. Recommendation writer.
  2. I assume that the early adopters will be eager to embrace the opportunity to remove bias. I think that later users will be more hesitant. The overall changes to the letters/evaluations should make them stronger as well. I am hoping this fact will increase buy-in.
  3. I don't know that recipients will use this tool. I actually hadn't considered it. I feel like by the time the recipients are reviewing a letter of recommendation, it is too late.
    Thank you for being so thoughtful!!!!

Hey, Mollie,

I have a baseline stylesheet we could apply to the web page. I would formalize some of the fonts, forms, and link styles. In the interim, we could use it. What do you think?

Where is the current website hosted? It might be easier to go back and forth between the functionality and design of the website if the repository is used to host both. The bonus is that then Github Pages can also host the site and there are lots of tools out there for auto-generating websites for repositories. One of my favorite is Nikola, which is a static website generator that has a lot of python interfaces.

Anytime! This page does a really good walkthrough of everything to set up a basic page. Just make sure to click "Project Site" near the beginning. It's easy to build on the sites later. There are several ways to make the website work, but the way that probably works best for this project right now is to make a /docs subdirectory and modify the settings so GitHub uses that to deploy the site. It even helps you set-up so your custom URL redirects to it.

I would be happy to implement a simple front-end for this, as long as it doesn't stand in the way of other design goals.

That would be wonderful! We were able to link the python scripts to the current website (yay!), so we are in great shape. The html files are here. Feel free to take a look and edit! I don't have anyone else helping with design at the moment. Also, be certain to add your name to the contributors page. I want to be certain to recognize everyone's contributions! Thank you!

Since it seems there was not much progress or movement here I will jump in.

I would be keen to transform the current static site into a webapp which will make it easier to copy/paste or upload letters for the analysis.

Also could help to better display the analysis on the text

Any thoughts?

@trallard 👍 !! What sort of web app are you thinking?

Since the whole thing is done using Python I could engineer something using Django or Flask.

This would allow for better integration of the backend and the front-end

Sounds fantastic! We have it set up to return the reports once generated, but that is the only part that is currently functional.

@trallard I'd vote for Flask, if no one else has strong opinions :)

As for front-end, do you have thoughts on React / other frameworks?

Related, I started looking around at possible ways to render text-highlights. Markjs looks nice — I'd be happy to help write some of this (either server or web) if you'd like help!

I have no strong feelings regarding front-end (so open to opinions).

I can focus on the back-end and if you'd like to help with the front-end @j6k4m8 it would be awesome

Also I have not had a look at Markjs but. I will make sure to check it out .

@TerrieM and @trallard — take a look here for Vue-based front-end. Curious to hear your thoughts!

That page is fully serverless and relies upon the flask API server that now lives in this repo:

Closing this since all of our web development is moving to this repo. Hope to see you there! 🎉