gen2brain / iup-go

Cross-platform UI library with native controls

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


rasteric opened this issue · comments

I'm drawing a custom control in a canvas, and there seems to be no way to obtain the correct highlight color (for filled highlight rectangles) on Linux in GTK. Observations:

  1. iup.DrawSelectRect draws a rectangle in the wrong color - some custom dark blue on my machine, not the lighter blue used with by the GTK themes I'm running and testing with. This color doesn't seem to be part of the GTK theme, it appears to be hard-coded.
  2. iup.GetGlobal("TXTHLCOLOR") returns the background color of text fields, i.e., white on a standard light theme, dark grey on a test GTK theme I'm using. It's exactly the color of text entry fields.
  3. Selections in flat controls like FlatList also use the wrong selection colors, some white or grey text background color.

Neither of these colors are the same as what an iup.List() uses for selections. I cannot find a way to get the theme-provided highlight color. I can also not get the DrawSelectRect color.

I'm not sure whether this is an IUP problem or has to do with the Go wrapper. I can provide screenshots if needed.

Sorry, no idea, these are just bindings. You should direct your question to the IUP mailing list, of guys that wrote that code.

I didn't mean to close right now, maybe someone has something to say, but nothing will happen here basically if there is an issue here it is on the IUP side.

Nah, feel free to close it. I thought that it's a general IUP issue, just wanted to make sure it's not something in the wrapper.