gemini-hlsw / lucuma-itc

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

`customMask` bug

swalker2m opened this issue · comments

The fpu input for GmosNITCInput (and the one for the south as well) support optional customMask and builtin fields. The idea, I believe, is that either one or the other should be specified. If I send an input with customMask: null and builtin defined, I get an empty response. If I remove the customMask: null entry though, I get the expected results.

This happens in a test case. Unfortunately I can't run the ITC locally and it fails for some other reason in production so I cannot confirm this.

query {
  spectroscopy(input: {
    wavelength : {
      picometers : 1
    signalToNoise : 1.0,
    sourceProfile : {
      point : {
        bandNormalized : {
          sed : {
            galaxy : SPIRAL
          brightnesses : [
              band: U,
              value: 15.0,
              units: VEGA_MAGNITUDE,
              error: 1.0
    band : SLOAN_U,
    radialVelocity : {
      metersPerSecond : 1.0
    constraints : {
      imageQuality : POINT_ONE,
      cloudExtinction : POINT_ONE,
      skyBackground : DARKEST,
      waterVapor : VERY_DRY,
      elevationRange : {
        airMass : {
          min : 1.0,
          max : 2.0
    modes : [
        gmosN : {
          grating : B1200_G5301,
          fpu : {
            customMask: null,
            builtin : LONG_SLIT_0_25
          filter : G_PRIME
  }) {
    results {
      itc {
        ... on ItcError {

It looks like customMask is not yet (?) supported:

Is the plan to add support for this or perhaps the client should not expose the possibility of sending a custom mask?