gematik / api-ti-messenger

API specification for gematik's TI-Messenger - a messaging standard, which will enable healthcare personnel in the German healthcare sector to communicate interoperable via DSGVO-conform messaging-services. The TI-Messenger builds on matrix, the open standard for interoperable, decentralised, real-time communication over IP.

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VZD JWKS endpoint or public key to check signature of federation list

christian-frei opened this issue · comments

For clients to check the signature of the signed federation list, an endpoint providing the JWKS must be made available in VZD.
However, neither the spec nor the VZD open-api yaml files doesn't mention this.

Please clarify on how to receive the public key from VZD.

usually this would be provided in /.well-known/jwks.json

understood that the cert is in the jws header under x5c, however this cert is expired, opening a new issue