geerlingguy / internet-pi

Raspberry Pi config for all things Internet.

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Grafana No Data - Caused by System Time

JamesMConroy opened this issue · comments

Probably just user error.

When I set up the project my pi's system time was set to the year 2080, and I couldn't update packages or docker images.
I set the time to the current year, set up ntp, and restarted the containers.

Even though all the containers were up and healthy, grafana would not show any data.
Checking the prometheus targets (at <my pi hole>:9090/targets) showed that the pings and other speed tests had a timestamp 57 years in the future.

I had to bring the internet monitoring container's down and remove the internet-monitoring_grafana_data and internet-monitoring_grafana_data volumes to get data in grafana. docker-compose down ; docker system prune -af --volumes did not work.

I don't know if there is a way to prevent this issue, but I thought I'd make this in case anyone else ran into the same situation.