geerlingguy / ansible-role-security

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unattended-upgrades config is broken in Debian

Hnasar opened this issue · comments

Origin: Ubuntu
Label: Ubuntu
Suite: precise-security
Version: 12.04
Codename: precise


Origin: Debian
Label: Debian-Security
Suite: stable
Version: 9
Codename: stretch

templates/50unattended-upgrades.j2 has:

Unattended-Upgrade::Allowed-Origins {                                          
        "${distro_id} ${distro_codename}-security";                            
//      "${distro_id} ${distro_codename}-updates";                             

which works for ubuntu's precise-security but not Debian's stable.

unattended-upgrade's has the following:

Allowed-Origins is a simple list of patterns of the form

Origins-Pattern allows you to give a list of
(glob-style) patterns to match against. For example:

 Unattended-Upgrade::Origins-Pattern {                                       
        "origin=Google\, Inc.,suite=contrib";                                

Again per the, ${distro_codename} contains the output of lsb_release -c, which is stretch, xenial, etc.
The archive is based on the Suite which is percise-updates for ubuntu and stable for Debian.

As such, the default config means that no packages are matched by unattended-upgrades in Debian.
One fix is to add "${distro_id} stable"; to Allowed-Origins, but even better would to use the upstream 50unattended-upgrades which is created in the unattended-upgrades postinst.

In Debian:

Unattended-Upgrade::Origins-Pattern {

and in Ubuntu:

Unattended-Upgrade::Allowed-Origins {

I'm not sure the best method for a fix. I think a template for 50unattended-upgrades is not ideal, and instead this role should switch to using lineinfile for

security_autoupdate_blacklist: []                                              
security_autoupdate_mail_to: ""                                                
security_autoupdate_mail_on_error: true                                        

That doesn't explain what to do with other systems which already have a nonworking config. I'm not sure how much retroactive fixing is appropriate for this role, but on my systems I found that I can restore the upstream 50unattended-upgrades by:

  # UCF has some weirdness where even if you set FORCE_CONFFNEW, if the file   
  # is user modified, it uses a hash calculated when the conf file was last    
  # touched by a package. To workaround, delete and then rely on CONFFMISS.    
  - name: Remove bad unattended-upgrades                                       
      path: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades                          
      state: absent                                                            
  - name: Set back to default unattended-upgrades configuration                
    command: dpkg-reconfigure --default-priority unattended-upgrades           
      UCF_FORCE_CONFFMISS: True                                                

(or in the shell:

sudo rm /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/sudo rm 50unattended-upgrades
env UCF_FORCE_CONFFMISS=1 sudo -E dpkg-reconfigure --default-priority unattended-upgrades


I've just submitted a PR which might resolve this? #35

I've pulled the current config file from the upstream repo (according to Debian's package index) and had it check for specific strings.


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