geerlingguy / ansible-role-security

Ansible Role - Security

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2.2.1 release not available in

githubERIK opened this issue · comments shows that the latest release is 2.2.0. shows that the latest release is 2.2.1.

  - name:
    version: 2.2.1

fails with was NOT installed successfully: - the specified version (2.2.1) of was not
found in the list of available versions
shows the reason why the latest build failed:

Run yamllint .
  Error: 23:4 [indentation] wrong indentation: expected 4 but found 3

Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

Is there an update on this?

I'm experiencing this as well. Was surprised when Fail2Ban wasn't restarting.

Doesn't look like any code changes are needed, just deploying to Galaxy.

Thank you so much @geerlingguy, this is an incredibly helpful role!

@ecwyne - I've just pushed a 2.2.2 as well. No clue why the Galaxy import's not working, hopefully this one will.

@geerlingguy that worked! Thank you so much!

And thank you for your contributions to the community. II recently watched your Ansible 101 course and it was an incredible start to my Ansible journey