geerlingguy / ansible-role-nginx

Ansible Role - Nginx

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[Feature Request] Ability to not manage the nginx service

Zorlin opened this issue · comments

Hi Jeff!

I'm using the role in a project right now (thank you!) and it's working great. I need to stop it from managing the nginx service, though. In my case setting nginx_service_state: stopped is actually enough, which is cool - but - I'd love to instead have something like nginx_service_state: unmanaged.

Unfortunately, Ansible doesn't support a state=unmanaged parameter, which in a lot of ways makes sense (there are much better ways to not trigger a task!)

Two naive ways I can think of to do this, modifying the task in tasks/main.yml:

First, without having to create a new variable:

- name: Ensure nginx service is running as configured.
    name: nginx
    state: "{{ nginx_service_state }}"
    enabled: "{{ nginx_service_enabled }}"
  when: nginx_service_state != "unmanaged"

And then, something slightly less ugly:

- name: Ensure nginx service is running as configured.
    name: nginx
    state: "{{ nginx_service_state }}"
    enabled: "{{ nginx_service_enabled }}"
  when: not nginx_do_not_manage_service

May be out of scope for this role... not sure.

Let me know your thoughts :)


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