geekscape / aiko_engine_mp

microPython event based engine supporting network messages (MQTT), times and various hardware drivers

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Aiko Engine MP (microPython)



The Aiko Engine MP is compatible with Aiko Services, which is a distributed system that supports embedded devices as networked Services.

The Aiko Engine MP provides ...

    git clone
    cd aiko_engine_mp
    git checkout swagbadge_2022
    workon micropython
  • Install esptool and mpfshell
    pip install esptool
    pip install -U mpfshell
  • Plug in your ESP32 device and make sure you can see it, e.g ls -l /dev/tty.* will show a serial device file like /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/tty.wchserial1410

  • Export the serial port to an environment variable, so mpfshell can use it, e.g export AMPY_PORT=<device_file> where device_file is the device file shown by the ls -l command above

  • Download latest microPython

  • Note: The SwagBadge 2022 currently requires microPython version 1.17

  • Flash microPython

  • Run the Aiko Engine MP flash script, which loads this firmware onto the device
    ./scripts/ ./scripts/aiko.mpf
  • For microPython development, the Thonny IDE is highly recommended

Note: For Lolin32-Lite boards, the serial port can be notoriously problematic and requires a slight delay in order for the connection to occur properly. If you're seeing errors that look like Could not enter raw repl then this is probably related.

For mpfshell (version v0.9.1 and earlier) on Mac OS X or Windows, this problem may be fixed via this patch

Associated open-source ESP32 hardware projects ...


microPython event based engine supporting network messages (MQTT), times and various hardware drivers



Language:Python 91.9%Language:Shell 7.3%Language:Batchfile 0.8%