gecko0307 / electronvolt

FPS with physics based puzzles

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

64bit missing

clinei opened this issue · comments


Perhaps add it and load correct version depending on bitness?

I actually never tried to build it for x86_64. But it is known to work in 32-bit mode under 64-bit Windows 8.


I just got it working on 64bit linux with LDC and DMD. Required adding the libs, loading the correct ones and a few changes to dub.json.
I'll make a pull request soon.

I know this is old but for people on linux who want to play it using dub: If it crashes because it can't find some library or they are not built for your platform, just install the required libraries via your package manager and build the project using env USE_SYSTEM_LIBS=true dub

Actually, setting USE_SYSTEM_LIBS is required only at runtime, not compile time. If it is not set, the game will just try to load local libs.