gear4dave / php-dbal

Wraps mysqli into a series of fast, secure and easy to use classes.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

PHP DB Access Layer

Designed to wrap mysqli into a series of fast, secure and easy to use classes.

Install with Composer

Require line as follows

"docnet/php-dbal": "v2.1"

Let's Connect

You're gonna need to connect to a DB before you can do anything else...

$settings = new \Docnet\DB\ConnectionSettings('', 'root', 'password', 'dbname');
$db = new \Docnet\DB($settings);

For the following examples, we'll assume there's an active DB object.


After this has executed, $records will be an array of stdClass objects - see how to change the result class later.

$records = $db->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM tblData");

SELECT One Record

After this has executed, $record will be a stdClass object.

$record = $db->fetchOne("SELECT * FROM tblData WHERE intKey = ?", 84);

Result Class

If we pass in an optional third parameter, we'll get back an object of that class

$foo = $db->fetchOne("SELECT * FROM tblData WHERE intKey = ?", 84, 'Foo');

So now, $foo is an instance of class Foo

SELECT with parameters and result Class

After execution, $records is an array of (namespaced) \Docnet\Bar objects, where intKey > 3 and vchName = Barry

$records = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM tblData WHERE intKey > ?id AND vchName = ?name")
   ->bindInt('id', 3)
   ->bindString('name', 'Barry')

The prepare() method returns a fluent Statement class which provides named parameter binding.

Parameter binding deals with all escaping and quoting for you.


Insert, update and delete operations (also called DML queries) work in just the same way as the fetch methods.

$binds = array(1, 'foo');
$db->insert("INSERT INTO tblData (intField1, vchField2) VALUES (?, ?)", $binds);

Return Values

  • insert() returns the last insert id
  • update() and delete() return the number of affected rows

Re-executing Prepared Statements


$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM tblData WHERE intKey = ?id");
$stmt->bindInt('id', 4)->fetchOne();
$stmt->bindInt('id', 5)->fetchOne();

Or, more commonly, INSERTs - this can be MUCH higher performance than running multiple INSERT queries as the server only interprets the SQL string once.

$stmt = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO tblPeople VALUES (?name");
$stmt->bindString('name', 'Tom')->insert();
$stmt->bindString('name', 'Dick')->insert();
$stmt->bindString('name', 'Harry')->insert();

Arbitrary SQL

If you REALLY need to, you can just run arbitrary queries like this:

$db->query("TRUNCATE tblTransient");


Binding is great. It allows the DBAL to take care of escaping AND quoting.

There are quite a few different supported binding methods (probably too many, but I'm keen to be flexible).

Shorthand, single scalar value

$db->fetchOne("SELECT * FROM tblData WHERE intKey = ?", 84);

Shorthand array of parameters - parameter sequence must match your query

$db->fetchOne("SELECT * FROM tblData WHERE intKey = ? AND vchName = ?", array(84, 'Tom'));

Shorthand array of named parameters - any sequence, types auto-detected

$params = array('name' => 'Tom', 'id' => 84);
$db->fetchOne("SELECT * FROM tblData WHERE intKey = ?id AND vchName = ?name", $params);

Long-hand typed, named binding - fluent, any sequence

$db->prepare("SELECT * FROM tblData WHERE intKey = ?id AND vchName = ?name")
   ->bindString('name', 'Dick')
   ->bindInt('id', 4)

Long-hand type-hinted, named binding - fluent, any sequence

$db->prepare("SELECT * FROM tblData WHERE intKey = ?int_id AND vchName = ?str_name")
   ->bind('str_name', 'Dick')
   ->bind('int_id', 4)

Public Methods

DB Class

The following methods are available

  • fetchOne()
  • fetchAll()
  • insert()
  • update()
  • delete()
  • prepare() which returns a new Statement object when called
  • query()
  • escape()
  • begin() Transaction support
  • commit() Transaction support
  • rollback() Transaction support

Statement Class


  • fetchOne()
  • fetchAll()
  • setResultClass()


  • insert()
  • update()
  • delete()


  • bind()
  • bindInt()
  • bindString()
  • bindDouble()
  • bindBlob()

Post execution

  • getInsertId()
  • getAffectedRows()


Wraps mysqli into a series of fast, secure and easy to use classes.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:PHP 100.0%