ge-li / robustGMM

Robust Estimation in Gaussian Mixture Model

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The goal of robustGMM is to implement the robust Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) estimation based on Fujisawa and Eguchi, 2006.


You can install the development version of robustGMM from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:

## Generate a 2-component mixture 
lambda <- c(0.25, 0.75)
mu <- c(0, 4)
sigma <- c(1, 1)
x <- rnormix(n=100, lambda, mu, sigma)
x[which.max(x)] <- 10 # outlier

The standard EM algorithm will give estimation results as follows:

standard_mod <- mixtools::normalmixEM(x, lambda, mu, sigma)
#> number of iterations= 23
#> [1] 0.2349909 0.7650091
#> [1] -0.128685  3.906640
#> [1] 1.003697 1.244186

The robust EM algorithm in this package will give:

robust_mod <- robustGMM(x, lambda, mu, sigma, beta=0.1, verbose=TRUE)
#> ── Fitting Robust Gaussian Mixture Model ───────────────────────────────────────
#> ℹ Iter:    0, Beta-likelihood:     7.462102
#> ℹ Iter:    1, Beta-likelihood:     7.464625
#> ℹ Iter:    2, Beta-likelihood:     7.464909
#> ℹ Iter:    3, Beta-likelihood:     7.465083
#> ℹ Iter:    4, Beta-likelihood:     7.465208
#> ℹ Iter:    5, Beta-likelihood:     7.465299
#> ℹ Iter:    6, Beta-likelihood:     7.465365
#> ℹ Iter:    7, Beta-likelihood:     7.465414
#> ℹ Iter:    8, Beta-likelihood:     7.465451
#> ℹ Iter:    9, Beta-likelihood:     7.465478
#> ℹ Iter:   10, Beta-likelihood:     7.465498
#> ℹ Iter:   11, Beta-likelihood:     7.465513
#> ℹ Iter:   12, Beta-likelihood:     7.465524
#> ℹ Iter:   13, Beta-likelihood:     7.465532
#> ℹ Iter:   14, Beta-likelihood:     7.465538
#> ℹ Iter:   15, Beta-likelihood:     7.465543
#> ℹ Iter:   16, Beta-likelihood:     7.465547
#> ℹ Iter:   17, Beta-likelihood:     7.465549
#> ℹ Iter:   18, Beta-likelihood:     7.465551
#> ℹ Iter:   19, Beta-likelihood:     7.465553
#> ℹ Iter:   20, Beta-likelihood:     7.465554
#> ✔ Iter:   21, Beta-likelihood:     7.465555
#> [1] 0.2787902 0.7212098
#> [1] 0.1430803 3.9728562
#> [1] 1.1657071 0.9474814

Selection of tuning parameter

betas <- seq(0.01, 0.2, by=0.01)
div <- numeric(0)
for (beta in betas) {
  div <- c(div, loo_cvm_div(x, lambda, mu, sigma, beta))
plot(betas, div, xlab="beta", ylab="empirical Cramer–von Mises divergence", 
     main="Selection of optimal tuning parameter on contaminated synthetic data.")

res <- purrr::map_dfr(betas, ~unlist(robustGMM(x, lambda, mu, sigma, .)))
#> # A tibble: 20 × 8
#>    lambda1 lambda2       mu1   mu2 sigma1 sigma2  beta l_beta
#>      <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1   0.239   0.761 -0.105     3.91   1.02  1.21   0.01  97.0 
#>  2   0.243   0.757 -0.0813    3.92   1.03  1.18   0.02  47.1 
#>  3   0.247   0.753 -0.0568    3.93   1.04  1.15   0.03  30.4 
#>  4   0.251   0.749 -0.0296    3.93   1.06  1.11   0.04  22.2 
#>  5   0.256   0.744  0.000215  3.94   1.07  1.08   0.05  17.2 
#>  6   0.260   0.740  0.0254    3.94   1.09  1.05   0.06  13.9 
#>  7   0.265   0.735  0.0535    3.95   1.11  1.02   0.07  11.6 
#>  8   0.270   0.730  0.0852    3.96   1.13  0.993  0.08   9.87
#>  9   0.274   0.726  0.116     3.97   1.15  0.968  0.09   8.53
#> 10   0.279   0.721  0.143     3.97   1.17  0.947  0.1    7.47
#> 11   0.282   0.718  0.165     3.98   1.18  0.931  0.11   6.60
#> 12   0.285   0.715  0.184     3.98   1.19  0.918  0.12   5.89
#> 13   0.288   0.712  0.197     3.99   1.20  0.908  0.13   5.28
#> 14   0.289   0.711  0.208     3.99   1.21  0.900  0.14   4.78
#> 15   0.291   0.709  0.216     3.99   1.22  0.895  0.15   4.34
#> 16   0.292   0.708  0.221     3.99   1.22  0.891  0.16   3.96
#> 17   0.292   0.708  0.225     3.99   1.22  0.888  0.17   3.63
#> 18   0.293   0.707  0.226     3.99   1.22  0.887  0.18   3.33
#> 19   0.293   0.707  0.227     3.99   1.22  0.885  0.19   3.08
#> 20   0.293   0.707  0.228     3.99   1.23  0.885  0.2    2.85
par(mfrow=c(2, 2))
plot(mu1 ~ beta, res, ylim=c(mu[1]-0.2, mu[1]+0.2))
abline(h = mu[1], col="gold")
abline(v = betas[which.min(div)], col="darkgreen", lty=2)
plot(mu2 ~ beta, res, ylim=c(mu[2]-0.2, mu[2]+0.2))
abline(h = mu[2], col="gold")
abline(v = betas[which.min(div)], col="darkgreen", lty=2)
plot(sigma1 ~ beta, res, ylim=c(sigma[1]-0.2, sigma[1]+0.2))
abline(h = sigma[1], col="gold")
abline(v = betas[which.min(div)], col="darkgreen", lty=2)
plot(sigma2 ~ beta, res, ylim=c(sigma[2]-0.2, sigma[2]+0.2))
abline(h = sigma[2], col="gold")
abline(v = betas[which.min(div)], col="darkgreen", lty=2)


Robust Estimation in Gaussian Mixture Model



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