gdinesh-software / dotfiles-1

There's lots of configurations out there, but this one is mine.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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There's no place like ~/

This is my personal repository for configuration files of all the programs I use on a daily basis. This setup aims to be minimal while being pleasing to the eye and functional.

Program Name
Linux Distribution Arch Linux
Window Manager bspwm
Bar polybar
Program Launcher rofi
Web Browser Firefox
Code Editor Nvim
Terminal font FiraCode Nerd Font
Shell zsh
Terminal Emulator Kitty
Music Player ncmpcpp/mpd
RSS reader newsboat

I try to have a very clean $HOME folder so all configs that can be in ~/.config/ are, and some environmental variables have been set in ~/.zshenv to move configs into ~/.config/




There's lots of configurations out there, but this one is mine.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Lua 41.3%Language:Shell 22.6%Language:CSS 17.0%Language:Vim Script 16.1%Language:JavaScript 2.8%Language:Python 0.1%Language:Emacs Lisp 0.0%