gchq / CyberChef

The Cyber Swiss Army Knife - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis

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Wrong AES Encrypt output on inputs with special characters

ncoder-1 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
When using the "AES Encrypt" (input parameter set to Raw) operation with a UTF-8 input text which has special characters (in this case an é), the output is different from 3 different sources (openssl, botan and the cryptii online encrypter), all of which produce the same output.

If you perform a "To Hex" operation before the "AES Encrypt" operation, and set the input paramenter to Hex, it then produces the expected output.

To Reproduce

  1. Go to CyberChef
  2. Add an "AES Encrypt" operation
  3. Set key to B4294F848BD875E697FAF7CFAF40D102C733066C11C4356029710C9D5EBF26E7
  4. Set IV to 00000000000000000000000000000000
  5. In the input, set input character encoding to UTF-8
  6. Add emporté in as the input text
  7. The output will then be d2c844670dcf3ed9fe28f764e631fcb4 which is wrong.
  8. Add a "To Hex" operation before the "AES Encrypt"
  9. Set the "AES Encrypt" input to To Hex
  10. Output will be 1dfbb577dca5a8f207cf9fd4b0da7aee which is right.

Expected behaviour
I would expect that it accepts special characters within UTF-8 when it is selected as the input encoding, such as below:

With botan cli:

echo "emporté" > input.txt
truncate -s -1 input.txt
botan cipher --cipher=AES-256/CBC --key=B4294F848BD875E697FAF7CFAF40D102C733066C11C4356029710C9D5EBF26E7 --nonce=00000000000000000000000000000000 input.txt > out.enc
xxd -ps out.enc

Produces: 1dfbb577dca5a8f207cf9fd4b0da7aee

With openssl enc:

echo "emporté" > input.txt
truncate -s -1 input.txt
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -nosalt -in input.txt -out out.enc -p -K "B4294F848BD875E697FAF7CFAF40D102C733066C11C4356029710C9D5EBF26E7" -iv "00000000000000000000000000000000"
xxd -ps out.enc

Produces: 1dfbb577dca5a8f207cf9fd4b0da7aee

And obviously the same output with same parameters on cryptii

Screenshot from 24 02 24 15:27:31

Screenshot from 24 02 24 15:27:44

Desktop (if relevant, please complete the following information):

  • OS: Linux 6.7.5
  • CyberChef version: 10