gchq / CyberChef

The Cyber Swiss Army Knife - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis

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Bug report: Optical Character Recognition (OCR) not working

mattnotmax opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Current version 9.37.3 the OCR operation stalls at the 'finding text' stage. This is for Firefox and Chrome tested against the GCHQ github instance.

However, if I run a Docker version of 9.37.3 I can get OCR to work, but only on Firefox.

I have downgraded to 9.32.0 on another webserver (as I saw that tesseract was updated from 2.1.1 -> 2.1.5 in 9.32.1). I can get OCR to work but again only in Firefox and Chrome has the same issue.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behaviour or a link to the recipe / input used to cause the bug:

  1. Load a PNG image with text
  2. Apply OCR operation
  3. OCR generation starts and stalls at 'finding text'
  4. OCRed text does not appear

Expected behaviour
The text should be OCRed.


Chrome - current version - GCHQ github

Firefox 9.32.0 working
9 32 0-firefox

Docker current version - working
9 37 3-docker

Desktop (if relevant, please complete the following information):
Tested Chrome Version 100.0.4896.127 (Official Build) (64-bit) and Chrome Version 101.0.4951.41 (Official Build) (64-bit) with same results.

Tested Firefox 99.0.1 (64-bit)

Additional context
Thanks as always for a great tool.

yes confirming same issue with Edge