gbgabo / dotfiles

My GNU/Linux setup, in dots

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

gabo's repo of
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A repository to centralize all configuration files my workflow needs to behave the way It should.

Here you will find shell utilities, ui/theming configurations, and some applications config files.

ℹ️ Details

  • Shell: ZSH
  • WM: dwm
  • Theme: oomox-wildBerries
  • Icons: papirus-wilBerries
  • Terminal: st
  • Terminal Font: JetBrains Mono NL Medium 12

📦 Expected Applications

Applications I use everyday for my workflow. You don't really need them to enjoy my dotfiles, but if you would like to know what I use.

Dependency Description Installation
dwm window manager my fork or project page
dmenu application launcher my fork or project page
tsearch dmenu web search project page
tmenu custom menu launcher project page
xwallpaper wallpaper setter check your distro repository or project page
sxiv image visualizer, used for wallpaper menu check your distro repository or project page
dunst notification daemon project page (using recent version to support notification overwrite)
zsh shell check your distro repository
antigen zsh plugin manager check your distro repository or project page

⚙️ Installation

My dotfiles are installed through dotbot, so you just need to ./install

This script creates a symlink of each dotfile to its expected location on the system. Before instaling, check each linking target on install.conf.yaml and tweak them to better suit your system.

# install.conf.yaml
- link:
    ~/.bashrc: shell/bashrc
    path/from/repo: path/to/system

More about dotbot

🗃️ What's Inside

├── 🗀 config                   # general applications config files
│   ├── dunstrc
│   ├── i3
│   │   ├── config
│   │   └── config_original
│   ├── neovim
│   │   └── init.vim
│   ├── vimrc
│   ├── vscodium-settings.json
│   └── Xorg
│       ├── xinitrc
│       └── Xresources
├── 🗀 shell                    # shell utils for a CLI workflow
│   ├── aliases
│   ├── bashrc
│   ├── functions
│   ├── wild-berries.zsh-theme
│   ├── zprofile
│   └── zshrc
├── 🗀 ui                       # theming and daily use ui components
│   ├── gtk-themes
│   │   └── oomox-wildBerries       # customized wildBerries gtk theme
│   ├── icons
│   │   ├── default
│   │   └── papirus-wildBerries     # customized wildBerries papirus icons
│   └── tmenus                      # custom quick menus
│       ├── dial.yaml
│       └── focus.yaml
├── gitconfig
├── install
├── install.conf.yaml

↗️ Other repositories to check


My GNU/Linux setup, in dots


Language:CSS 93.6%Language:Shell 5.3%Language:Vim Script 1.1%