gaybro8777 / catalog-app

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Docker Build for
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John Jediny
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Phil Ashlock


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This is the main Dockerfile for the "Catalog" other repos include:

Containers Build Status

Is a Docker-based CKAN deployment. CKAN is used by @

This repository is beta, and is under continuous development

NOTE: Instructions below use {{ example }} to denote where to replace content with your own.


The application is deployed using docker-compose and docker, please follow the official documentation to install and setup for docker and docker-compose.

System Requirements:

Docker needs access to a minimum of 2 CPU and 4 GB of Memory, if you are using Docker Toolbox or Docker Machine you will need to first completely power down the virtualbox image (not pause or suspend). Once this is done go to the images settings and under "Hardware" move the slider from 1 to 2 CPU. Failure to do this will cause docker to hang @ installing ca-certificates.

Quick Start

After docker-compose installs check to make sure docker daemon running: sudo service docker status if not sudo service docker start

git clone
cd catalog-app
docker-compose up

Note: We assume your user is already added to the docker group (sudo useradd -G ${user} docker). Alternatively, you can run docker-compose with sudo.

catalog-app stack:

  • solr
  • postgres (w postgis extension for spatial harvester)
  • redis
  • catalogapp (CKAN)
    • harvester-fetch
    • harvester-gather
    • fgdc2iso
  • pycsw (in progress)

Getting Started

This first thing you will need to do is create a new CKAN sysadmin so you can create datasets/organizations: ckan sysadmin add {{ name }} for example docker exec -it {{ container }} /bin/bash then ckan sysadmin add admin it should then prompt you to enter/confirm a new password. You can now login to through your web browser where the site will likely be running @ http://localhost or At the very bottom of the site click 'login' and enter the newly minted credentials you just created!

To use CKAN's harvester you first need to create an "organization", once created click the "admin" button. You should now see "Harvest Sources" next to Datasets and Members. Click "Add Harvest Source", this CKAN already packages a number of harvesters ready to use include data.json and spatial harvesters.

Currently supported harvest sources include:

  • CKAN
  • CSW Server
  • Web Accessible Folder (WAF)
  • Single spatial metadata document
  • Geoportal Server
  • Web Accessible Folder (WAF) Homogeneous Collection
  • Z39.50
  • /data.json

For testing you can try out the data.json harvester by pointing it at any US Federal Agency Website adding /data.json. Example in the URL field.

Enter the URL to the appropriate endpoint to the "Source type" used, enter a title, select frequency of harvest (update interval), Set private or public and the organization. Click "Save"

NOTE: The harvester won't do anything until you click "Reharvest" to start the harvester. Feel free to refresh the page periodically and watch the datasets get registered :)

You can speed up the harvest process with this command docker-compose scale harvester-fetch-consumer=3 which adds 3 new harvester containers to distribute the workload.

Other Useful Commands

Once running you can use either/both docker commands or docker-compose commands to manage running containers. This needs to be performed atleast once to create a CKAN sysadmin. If you are running docker as root you may need to ADD sudo before these commands

NOTE: docker and docker-compose have different synthax for their commands - even though some commands do functionally the same thing. As a general rule use --help (ex. docker --help or docker-compose --help after any proposed command to see it's expected format.


  • docker commands use "CONTAINERID" to target which container(s) to run the command to/on. Use docker ps to find "CONTAINERID"
  • docker-compose commands use "Name" of the application in the docker-compose.yml file in the root of this repository. So catalog-app === app

Docker commands

to enter into the container in interactive mode as root:

  • docker exec -it {{containerid}} /bin/bash
    • use exit to exit container

to run a one off command inside the container:

  • docker exec {{containerid}} {{command}}

Docker-compose commands

to enter into the container in interactive mode as root:

  • docker-compose run app /bin/bash

to run a one off command inside the container:

  • docker-compose run app {{command}}

CKAN/catalog-app commands

This commands are run from within the catalog-app container using either docker exec it or docker-compose run as described above

ckan --plugin=ckanext-harvest harvester run

Start any pending harvesting jobs

ckan --plugin=ckanext-geodatagov geodatagov harvest-job-cleanup

Harvest jobs can get stuck at Running state and stay that way forever. This will reset them and fix any harvest object issues they cause.

ckan --plugin=ckanext-qa qa update_sel

Start QA analysis on all datasets whose 'last modified timestamp' is >= timestamp embedded in the following file: /var/log/qa-metadata-modified.log

ckan --plugin=ckanext-qa qa collect-ids && ckan --plugin=ckanext-qa qa update

Compare to qa update_sel, this qa update will run analysis on ALL datasets. It will take loooooooong to finish.

ckan --plugin=ckanext-geodatagov geodatagov clean-deleted

CKAN keeps deleted package in the DB. This clean command makes sure they are really gone.

ckan tracking update

This needs to be run periodically in order to run analysis on raw data and generate summarized page view tracking data that ckan/solr can use.

ckan --plugin=ckanext-report report generate

This generates /report/broken-links page showing broken link statistics for dataset resources by organization.

ckan --plugin=ckanext-geodatagov geodatagov db_solr_sync

Over time solr can get out of sync from db due to all kind of glitches. This brings them back in sync.

ckan --plugin=ckanext-spatial ckan-pycsw set_keywords -p /etc/ckan/pycsw-collection.cfg*

This grabs top 20 tags from CKAN and put them into /etc/ckan/pycsw-collection.cfg as CSW service metadata keywords.

ckan --plugin=ckanext-spatial ckan-pycsw set_keywords -p /etc/ckan/pycsw-all.cfg

This grabs top 20 tags from ckan and put them into /etc/ckan/pycsw-all.cfg as CSW service metadata keywords.

ckan --plugin=ckanext-spatial ckan-pycsw load -p /etc/ckan/pycsw-all.cfg

Accesses CKAN api to load CKAN datasets into pycsw database.

/usr/lib/ckan/bin/python /usr/lib/ckan/bin/ vacuumdb /etc/ckan/pycsw-all.cfg

Does vacuumdb job on pycsw database.

/usr/lib/ckan/bin/python /usr/lib/ckan/bin/ reindex_fts /etc/ckan/pycsw-all.cfg

Rebuilds GIN index on pycsw records table to speed up full text search.

ckan --plugin=ckanext-geodatagov geodatagov combine-feeds

This gathers 20 pages of CKAN feeds from /feeds/dataset.atom and generates /usasearch-custom-feed.xml to feed USAsearch. USAsearch uses Bing index as backend which does not understand pagination in atom feeds.

ckan --plugin=ckanext-geodatagov geodatagov export-csv

This keeps records of all datasets that are tagged with Topic and Topic Categories, and generates /csv/topic_datasets.csv

Developing on OSX


  1. Install brew: /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Install docker tool box: brew cask install dockertoolbox
  3. Create a docker machine: docker-machine create --driver virtualbox --virtualbox-cpu-count "4" --virtualbox-memory "2048" default

Source Code Folder (src):

Note: follow these steps only if your src folder is empty or you need the latest code

  1. Start the app, from root folder.

    $ docker-compose up

  2. Copy app source files to your local src folder.

    $ make copy-src

  3. Stop the app: docker-compose down


  1. Start the app in local mode.

    $ make local

  2. Make changes to the source code in src.

  3. Restart apache to see your changes in action.

    $ docker-compose exec app service apache2 restart

  4. Commit the changes, and push extensions to GitHub.

  5. (optional) Pull in the latest dependencies, including nested dependencies.

    $ make update-dependencies

  6. Update the pinned requirements in requirements-freeze.txt.

    $ make requirements

see: the same concepts apply to pip.


"Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?" run:

eval $(docker-machine env)


Tests are run from a special test docker container defined in docker-compose.test.yml.

$ make test

License and Contributing

We're so glad you're thinking about re-using and/or contributing to!

Before contributing to we encourage you to read our CONTRIBUTING guide, our LICENSE, and our README (you are here), all of which should be in this repository. If you have any questions, you can email the team at


Development environment for



Language:Python 39.6%Language:Shell 36.4%Language:Dockerfile 20.1%Language:Makefile 3.9%