gatordevin / Blender-ML

autogen blender data

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Generate training data for object detection model

In this tutorial we will go over generating object detection data for both a static object and one that is randomly spawned

  • these scripts are tested in blender 2.81

the examples above cover the two types of data that will be generated. Those being static generated objects and ones that are spawned in and run through blenders physics simulation.

Static object

IN this section we will be going over the general setup and functions that pull useful object detection data with the assumption that the object in our scene will remain in the same position relative to the scene. Another assumption will be that the camera can see the object in the scene regardless of where it is position.




This function is to update the nevironment after we move or change position of an object

def update():
    dg = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() 

randomize camera

This function randomly positions the camera in the x y and z cordinates that it takes as input

def randomize_camera(scene, x, y, z, roll=0, pitch=0, yaw=0):
    Summary line. 
    Returns camera space bounding box of the mesh object.
    Takes in 3 xyz cordinates for the area you want to 
    scene (int): Description of arg1 
    x (int): Description of arg1 
    y (int): Description of arg1 
    z (int): Description of arg1 

    bounding_box: (min_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y)
    x = uniform(-x, x)
    y= uniform(0,y)
    z = uniform(0,z)
    pitch = pitch
    roll = roll
    yaw = randint(-yaw/2, yaw/2)
    fov = 50.0
    pi = 3.14159265

    # Set render resolution
    scene.render.resolution_x = 640
    scene.render.resolution_y = 480

    # Set camera fov in degrees = fov*(pi/180.0)

    # Set camera rotation in euler angles = 'XYZ'[0] = pitch*(pi/180.0)[1] = roll*(pi/180)[2] = yaw*(pi/180.0)

    # Set camera translation = x = y = z
    #call update

center obj

this centers the camera on the objecct passed through

def center_obj(obj_camera, point):
    point = point.matrix_world.to_translation()

    loc_camera = obj_camera.matrix_world.to_translation()

    direction = point - loc_camera
    # point the cameras '-Z' and use its 'Y' as up
    rot_quat = direction.to_track_quat('-Z', 'Y')
    # assume we're using euler rotation
    obj_camera.rotation_euler = rot_quat.to_euler()
    eulers = [degrees(a) for a in obj_camera.matrix_world.to_euler()]
    z = eulers[2]
    distance = measure(point, loc_camera)
    return distance, z


when creating training data it is important to note that convolutions dont work so well at the edges

def offset(scene, camera, angle):
    angle = uniform(-angle, angle)
    height = 480
    width = 640
    if width > height:    
        ratio = height / width  
        desired_x = (50 / 2) * (angle/100) * ratio
        desired_y = (50 / 2) * (angle/100) 
    elif height > width:
        ratio = width / height  
        desired_x = (50 / 2) * (angle/100)
        desired_y = (50 / 2) * (angle/100) * ratio
        = 'XYZ'
    x =[0]
    y =[2]
    change_x = x + (desired_x * (pi / 180.0))
    change_y = y + (desired_y * (pi / 180.0))[0] = change_x[2] = change_y 

get cordinates

*helpers shoutouts to for this function

def camera_view_bounds_2d(scene, camera_object, mesh_object):
    Summary line. 
    Returns camera space bounding box of the mesh object.
    Gets the camera frame bounding box, which by default is returned without any transformations applied.
    Create a new mesh object based on mesh_object and undo any transformations so that it is in the same space as the
    camera frame. Find the min/max vertex coordinates of the mesh visible in the frame, or None if the mesh is not in view
    scene (int): Description of arg1 
    camera_object (int): Description of arg1 
    mesh_object (int): Description of arg1 
    bounding_box: (min_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y)

    """ Get the inverse transformation matrix. """
    matrix = camera_object.matrix_world.normalized().inverted()
    """ Create a new mesh data block, using the inverse transform matrix to undo any transformations. """
    dg = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
    ob = mesh_object.evaluated_get(dg) #this gives us the evaluated version of the object. Aka with all modifiers and deformations applied.
    mesh = ob.to_mesh()
    #mesh = mesh_object.to_mesh()

    """ Get the world coordinates for the camera frame bounding box, before any transformations. """
    frame = [-v for v in[:3]]

    lx = []
    ly = []
    for v in mesh.vertices:
        co_local =
        z = -co_local.z

        if z <= 0.0:
            """ Vertex is behind the camera; ignore it. """
            """ Perspective division """
            frame = [(v / (v.z / z)) for v in frame]
        min_x, max_x = frame[1].x, frame[2].x
        min_y, max_y = frame[0].y, frame[1].y
        x = (co_local.x - min_x) / (max_x - min_x)
        y = (co_local.y - min_y) / (max_y - min_y)

    """ Image is not in view if all the mesh verts were ignored """
    if not lx or not ly:
        return None
    min_x = np.clip(min(lx), 0.0, 1.0)
    min_y = np.clip(min(ly), 0.0, 1.0)
    max_x = np.clip(max(lx), 0.0, 1.0)
    max_y = np.clip(max(ly), 0.0, 1.0)

    """ Image is not in view if both bounding points exist on the same side """
    if min_x == max_x or min_y == max_y:
        return None
    return (min_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y)

returns a json object with the 2d cordinate data of the box in the following json format

def get_cordinates(scene, camera,  objects, filename):
    camera_object = camera
    cordinates = {
            'image': filename,
            'meshes': {}
    for object in objects:
        bounding_box = camera_view_bounds_2d(scene, camera_object, object)
        if bounding_box:
           cordinates['meshes'][] = {
                        'x1': bounding_box[0][0],
                        'y1': bounding_box[0][1],
                        'x2': bounding_box[1][0],
                        'y2': bounding_box[1][1]
            return None
    return cordinates

[ { "image": "render-0y.png", "meshes": { "monkey": { "x1": 0.6286790958986577, "x2": 0.7885611171182803, "y1": 0.10051047409295591, "y2": 0.32216781638591024 } } }, ]

if you put your renders and json file in a directory with /scripts/ you can view the boxes generated by the get cordinates function

batch render

with all this we can loop through the data and write out the image to a folder. Along with thsi the json data

def batch_render(file_prefix="render"):

    scene_setup_steps = 4

    labels = []
    for i in range(0, scene_setup_steps):
        monkey =["monkey"]
        scene =['Scene']

        camera = randomize_camera(scene, 2.5, 3.5, 1.7)

        distance, z = center_obj(camera, monkey.matrix_world.to_translation())

        offset(scene, camera, 85)

        filename = '{}-{}y.png'.format(str(file_prefix), str(i))
        bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join('./renders/', filename)
        scene_labels = get_cordinates(scene, camera, monkey, filename)

        labels.append(scene_labels) # Merge lists

    with open('./renders/labels.json', 'w+') as f:
        json.dump(labels, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))


Randomly spawn Objects

in classroom_rand.blend In this section we will randomly spawn and rotate our object and do physics simulation of the object in the scene. Most of the functions used are from the first project but there are a few new ones to account for the physics and actually spawning the object. Along with this we will be adding in a visual check to make sure the object is visible in the scene.


place object at random location

def randomize_obj(obj, x, y, z):
    roll = uniform(0, 90)
    pitch = uniform(0, 90)
    yaw = uniform(0, 90)
    obj.rotation_mode = 'XYZ'
    obj.rotation_euler[0] = pitch*(pi/180.0)
    obj.rotation_euler[1] = roll*(pi/180)
    obj.rotation_euler[2] = yaw*(pi/180.0)
    obj.location.x = uniform(-x, x)
    obj.location.y = uniform(-y, y)
    obj.location.z = z

increment frames

loop through physics simulation

def increment_frames(scene, frames):
    for i in range(frames):

get raycast percentage

When running the object through blenders physics simulation there is a chance the object is obstructed. This function cast rays at each of the object vertices and compares them to where the ray is hit. It then returns the percent hit as a value. If the object is fully obscructed it will return 0, and if it is fully displayed it will display about 50% because half of the rays will hit and the rest will be obstructed by the object. To note: this value can be less or greater than 50% if the object is not fully symmetrical and is rotated in a way where more or less vertices are shown.

rays cast at every vertex

rays that actually make contact with each vertex

  • percent hit: 46%

ray cast with object obstruction

  • percent hit: 15%

*helpers BVHTreeAndVerticesInWorldFromObj and DeselectEdgesAndPolygons

def BVHTreeAndVerticesInWorldFromObj( obj ):
    mWorld = obj.matrix_world
    vertsInWorld = [mWorld @ for v in]

    bvh = BVHTree.FromPolygons( vertsInWorld, [p.vertices for p in] )

    return bvh, vertsInWorld

# Deselect mesh polygons and vertices
def DeselectEdgesAndPolygons( obj ):
    for p in = False
    for e in = False

get raycast percentage function

def get_raycast_percentage(scene, cam, obj, cutoff, limit=.0001):
    # Threshold to test if ray cast corresponds to the original vertex

    viewlayer = bpy.context.view_layer
    # Deselect mesh elements
    DeselectEdgesAndPolygons( obj )

    # In world coordinates, get a bvh tree and vertices
    bvh, vertices = BVHTreeAndVerticesInWorldFromObj( obj )

    same_count = 0 
    count = 0 
    for i, v in enumerate( vertices ):
        count += 1
        # Get the 2D projection of the vertex
        co2D = world_to_camera_view( scene, cam, v )

        # By default, deselect it[i].select = False
        # If inside the camera view
        if 0.0 <= co2D.x <= 1.0 and 0.0 <= co2D.y <= 1.0: 
            # Try a ray cast, in order to test the vertex visibility from the camera
            location, normal, index, distance, t, ty = scene.ray_cast(viewlayer, cam.location, (v - cam.location).normalized() )
            t = (v-normal).length
            if t < limit:
                same_count += 1
    del bvh
    ray_percent = same_count/ count
    if ray_percent > cutoff/ 100:
        value = True
        value = False
    return value, ray_percent 

change in batch_render

if the raycast percentage returns a value less than our cutoff we will start the loop again otherwise the images will be rendered as usual.

def batch_render(file_prefix="render"):

    scene_setup_steps = 20
    value = True
    loop_count = 0
    labels = []
    while loop_count != scene_setup_steps:
        monkey =["monkey"]
        randomize_obj(monkey, 2.5, 3.5, 1.7)
        scene, camera = randomize_camera(2.5, 3.5, 1.7)
        increment_frames(scene, 40)

        distance, z = center_obj(camera, monkey.matrix_world.to_translation())

        offset(scene, camera, 80)
        value, percent = get_raycast_percentage(scene, camera, monkey, 15)
        print(percent, "percent in view")
        if value == False:
            loop_count -= 1
            value = True

            filename = '{}-{}y.png'.format(str(file_prefix), str(loop_count))
            bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join('./renders/', filename)
            scene_labels = get_cordinates(scene, camera, monkey, filename)

            labels.append(scene_labels) # Merge lists
        loop_count += 1

    with open('./renders/labels.json', 'w+') as f:
        json.dump(labels, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))

and then the function call



remember to enable cuda in edit cuda

take images


autogen blender data


Language:Python 100.0%Language:Batchfile 0.0%