garrettsickles / ClosestPairs

Various methods of solving the closest pairs problem

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Various methods of solving the closest pairs problem for UVA Online Judge.

The optimal minimal runtimes are as follows:

Algorithm Runtime (sec)
Heuristic (LR) 0.069
Divide & Conquer 0.074

Method 1: Divide and Conquer

The first approach to solving the is a divide and conquer approach. This approach achieves a time complexity of O(nlog(n)) by using basic computational geometry to rule out many of the possibilities. This approach is implemented in this divide and conquer file.


Compiler: C++ 4.8.2 - GNU C++ Compiler with options: -lm -lcrypt -O2 -pipe -DONLINE_JUDGE

Method 2: L-R Heuristic

The second approach to solving the closest pair problem is a left to right heuristic where we compute the distance between the two left most points and proceed right, recalculating is the x distance is less than the closest previous distance. This approach achieves a time complexity of O(n2). This approach is implemented in this heuristic file.


Compiler: ANSI C 4.8.2 - GNU C Compiler with options: -lm -lcrypt -O2 -pipe -ansi -DONLINE_JUDGE


Various methods of solving the closest pairs problem


Language:C++ 56.6%Language:C 43.4%