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Guess the number

garimasingh128 opened this issue · comments

Guess The Number
Write a programme where the computer randomly generates a number between 0 and 20. The user needs to guess what the number is. If the user guesses wrong, tell them their guess is either too high, or too low. This will get you started with the random library if you haven't already used it.

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I am ready to work with this issue

I am ready to work with this issue

Assigned! All the best

I am going to start my work, please assign to me

Already assigned to @Gomathi-P

I have completed it @garimasingh128

Did you make a PR? Please follow the changes that I suggested in Discord.

I didn't prepare the PR could you tell me how to prepare it mam @garimasingh128

Go through this link
In simple terms follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Clone it in your laptop
  3. Add your code and screenshots
  4. While adding code , follow the steps I mentioned in discord
  5. git add .
  6. git commit -m "commit_message"
  7. git push origin master
  8. Go on github on your forked repo, you will see compare and pull request option. Click it.
  9. Create a PR on my master branch and fill the description and the topic of PR.
  10. Wait for review.

Thank you mam I will try it👍

Mam I have created my PR but how to upload in your PR

Did you follow the steps? I can't see your PR in my repo.

Yes mam but I am unable to give you the PR

Ok mam I will try it

Mam I have created the PR

issue is completed or still in progess?

Mam i have completed only the changes you have mentioned need to be done @garimasingh128

Can you please assign to me?? I have the code ready in python.

@garimasingh128 I want to work on this issue. Please assign it to me

This issue is still open, If it's not completed then please assign it to me