garaud / jitenshea

Bicycle-sharing data analysis

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

normalize the stations table for lyon and bordeaux

garaud opened this issue · comments

  • get the same table name for the list of all stations (with geom)
  • the name of the columns

This can avoid to have a different table name and different column for station id for instance.

This function controller.station_city_table should be deleted.

This issue is strongly related to issue #5 .

I think it's two different things:

  • a db normalization with two tables in lyon and bordeaux schema with the same structure
  • code factorization in several luigi tasks

Ok, I understand your point.

Anyway it participates to the same move: we should normalize the lyon and bordeaux assets...

Proposition of a common stations table structure:

  • id: ID of the station
  • name: name of the station
  • address: address of the station
  • city: city where the station is located in
  • nb_terminal: number of bike terminal (bikes + available stands)
  • geom: geometry (for Postgis treatment)

These features are common to our first two city examples (e.g. Bordeaux and Lyon), and I am not sure that other features are relevant in our use case.

Agreed. I just would have replaced nb_terminal by stations or stations_num