gantsign / ansible-role-maven

Ansible role for installing Apache Maven

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Can't download maven

Turiok opened this issue · comments


Thx for your role.
I'm not an ansible expert.
But when the playbook try to download maven, it failed.
I supposed it was because I have a slow connection.
If I add a timeout longer on "download Maven" task. It works.

Output when it's failed :

 An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: timeout: timed out
fatal: [dev_188]: FAILED! => changed=false
  elapsed: 0
  msg: 'failed to create temporary content file: timed out'

Workaround possible :

Thx for your role.
I'm not an ansible expert.
But when the playbook try to download maven, it failed.
I supposed it was because I have a slow connection.
If I add a timeout longer on "download Maven" task. It works.

Output when it's failed :

- name: download Maven
    url: '{{ maven_mirror }}/{{ maven_redis_filename }}'
    dest: '{{ maven_download_dir }}/{{ maven_redis_filename }}'
    sha256sum: '{{ maven_redis_sha256sum }}'
    force: no
    use_proxy: yes
    validate_certs: yes
    timeout: {{ maven_download_timeout }}
    mode: 'u=rw,go=r'

@Turiok thanks for raising this, I'm sure you're not the only person who has encountered this issue. Sorry it has taken me so long to reply, I've been on vacation.

The download timeout is configurable from the 5.4.0 release of this role.