ganemone / redux-reactors

A small library for creating action/reducer combinations.

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A small library (~20 loc) for creating action/reducer combinations, also known as reactors.

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Colocating actions and reducers makes it very easy to trace through your code. If a component dispatches an action, you can easily see what state transformation will occur by inspecting the reactor. This pattern of colocating actions and reducers is not new, and was originally popularized by the ducks pattern. redux-reactors takes some ideas from the ducks pattern one step further and formalizes it into an api.


In a large application, your root reducer can become bloated from the combination of many reducers via combineReducers, reduceReducers and the like. This can cause performance issues if you are dispatching a high frequency of actions. With reactors, you only execute a single well scoped reducer for each action.

Code Splitting

Code splitting is very difficult with standard redux reducers. This is due to the fact that all your reducers are combined into a single root reducer. There are some solutions using store.replaceReducer however it is very difficult to do in a robust way, and you can end up with unexpected errors if an action is dispatched before the corresponding reducer is loaded.

Hot Reloading

Hot reloading reducers using standard redux requires hacks using store.replaceReducer. Hot reloading reactors works out of the box with no changes to your code.


Install the library

$ npm install redux-reactors --save

Add the store enhancer

import {reactorEnhancer} from 'redux-reactors';
import {createStore, compose} from 'redux';
const noopReducer = (state, action) => state;
const initialState = {};
// ...
const store = createStore(state, initialState, compose(reactorEnhancer, ...otherEnhancers));

Create reactors

import {createReactor} from 'redux-reactors';
export const incrementReactor = createReactor('INCREMENT', (state, action) => {
  return Object.assign({}, {
    counter: state.counter + action.payload,

Use reactors in your components

import {incrementReactor} from './my-reactors';
import {connect} from 'react-redux';

function MyComponent(props) {
  const {increment, counter} = props;
  return (
      <div>The count is {counter}</div>
      <button onClick={() => increment(1)}>Increment by one</button>
      <button onClick={() => increment(2)}>Increment by two</button>

const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
  return {
    counter: state.counter,

// Since createReactor returns an action creator,
// you can use it easily with mapDispatchToProps
const mapDispatchToProps = {
  increment: incrementReactor,

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(MyComponent);

Scoping reducers

It is often useful to scope reducers to a part of your store. This pattern is often accomplished via using redux's built in combineReducers. While there are many ways of accomplishing this, redux-reactors was designed to work nicely with the redux-scoped-reducer package. For example:

import {createReactor} from 'redux-reactors';
import createReducerScope from 'redux-scoped-reducer';
// scope a reducer to user.views key
const onUserViews = createReducerScope('user.views');
const incrementReducer = ((state, action) => {
  return Object.assign({}, {
    counter: state.counter + action.payload,
const decrementReducer = ((state, action) => {
  return Object.assign({}, {
    counter: state.counter + action.payload,
export const incrementViewsReactor = createReactor('INCREMENT_VIEWS', onUserViews(incrementReducer));
export const incrementViewsReactor = createReactor('DECREMENT_VIEWS', onUserViews(decrementReducer));


Can I use reactors in conjunction with standard redux actions?

Yes - reactors can be used along side of a standard redux reducer. If you dispatch a standard redux action, it will follow the standard redux reducer pattern.

If I'm using reactors, what should my root redux reducer be?

If you are using 100% reactors, your root reducer can simply be a noop reducer. For example:

const noopReducer = (state, action) => state;


A small library for creating action/reducer combinations.


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