gamestabled / OoT3D_Randomizer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Still randomly crashes

03bgood opened this issue · comments

This happens during loading zones and warping! It's been happening for a very long time, now and it has yet to be fixed.

Post your spoiler log and crash dump.

It crashes to the home menu. Please fix this shit, it's the worst! It's happened to me, twice in the current seed I'm playing and it always happens when either going through a loading zone or warping via the Ocarina! Why haven't the devs fixed this, yet? There's no excuse for this kind of laziness! It's been a known issue for like 2-3 years, now!

If you want it fixed you're gonna have to send your spoiler log and the crash dump so we can actually look into why it's crashing.