gamenet / redis-memory-analyzer

Redis memory profiler to find the RAM bottlenecks throw scaning key space in real time and aggregate RAM usage statistic by patterns.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ignore Redis namespace

gaurish opened this issue · comments

Thanks for excellent tool. I was wondering how can I get it to ignore namespace, "production" as every key in my redis is prefixed with "production". right now my report looks like below:

name count type percent
production:* 7848517 hash 56.37%
production:* 3350289 list 24.06%
production:* 2038396 set 14.64%
production:* 664480 string 4.77%
production:: 86739 hash 0.62%

Can we somehow tell RMA to skip this and group on 2nd level instead?