gamenet / redis-memory-analyzer

Redis memory profiler to find the RAM bottlenecks throw scaning key space in real time and aggregate RAM usage statistic by patterns.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Display percent of keys

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I run rma with limit setting
rma -s host -l 100000
got the results and see that percents in the table display % of all redis keys instead % of limit

Keys by types

| Match                                       |   Count | Type   | %     |
| event:user:*                                |   46232 | list   | 0.14% |
| event:data:*                                |   42982 | string | 0.13% |
| notification:data:*                         |    5552 | string | 0.01% |
| LIKE:LIST:*                                 |    2370 | zset   | 0.00% |
| LIKE:*                                      |    2349 | hash   | 0.00% |
| event:game:*                                |     158 | list   | 0.00% |
| user:event_personal:*                       |     143 | zset   | 0.00% |
| jabber:userRosterGroup:*                    |     108 | string | 0.00% |
| user:*:info                                 |      27 | string | 0.00% |
| user:ban:target:log:*                       |      22 | list   | 0.00% |
| LIKE:LIST:beauty:*                          |      16 | zset   | 0.00% |
| user:privacy:*                              |      13 | hash   | 0.00% |
| event:users:*                               |      12 | list   | 0.00% |
| LIKE:beauty:*                               |       9 | hash   | 0.00% |
| user:*:blocklog                             |       8 | string | 0.00% |
| Syncopate\Features\BeautyContest\Feed:*:*:* |       8 | set    | 0.00% |
| LIKE:guild:*                                |       7 | hash   | 0.00% |
| user:*:unblockkey                           |       6 | string | 0.00% |
| LIKE:LIST:guild:*                           |       5 | zset   | 0.00% |
| beauty:ip:*                                 |       3 | set    | 0.00% |
| slide:info:*:*                              |       2 | hash   | 0.00% |
| game:event_guides:*                         |       2 | zset   | 0.00% |
| mm:urllist:*                                |       1 | string | 0.00% |
| game:*:*:categoryIndex                      |       1 | string | 0.00% |
| user:spamblocked:dialy:comment:*            |       1 | string | 0.00% |