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Same BUSCO scores for different augustus species when using v5 in the same lineage

biowackysci opened this issue · comments

Hello Team,
I have been trying to access the genome assembly using BUSCO v5. When I assign different species I get the same BUSCO scores.
The script I have been using is
module load BUSCO/5.1.2-foss-2020b
module loadAUGUSTUS/3.3.2-intel-2019a

export AUGUSTUS_CONFIG_PATH=/group/pasture/Saila/BUSCO/augustus_config

busco -m genome -l embryophyta_odb10 -i /group/pasture/Saila/Cultivars/Abermagic_assembly/30kbabovereads_outcome/assembly.fasta -o BUSCO_Augs_new_Abermagic_wheat_check --augustus_parameters='--strand=both,--genemodel=complete' --augustus_species=wheat

I have been using different species such as arabidopsis, rice, wheat, brachy

All the BUSCO final scores are exactly the same.
And this pattern has been happening with all the different assemblies I have run and not just the one example I have provided, which is why I have come to think there is an issue here.

Can someone please help me
thanks and cheers