gaffa-tape / gaffa

Model driven JavaScript application framework

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sholtomaud opened this issue · comments

What are the plans for Gaffa wrt to using Object.observe

Object.observe will be used in gedi when it becomes available/prevalent, but gedi will likely have to continue to use the current method of change-checking for a while, to support older browser.

Because gedi uses an expression language to bind to data, Object.observe would only be used to improve performance.

The HTML5 Rocks guy Addy Osmani says they have Object.observe polyfill support for older browsers with polymer’s Observe-JS.

I'm not sure whether this would work with Cordova

The "polyfill" mentioned isn't really a polyfill but instead a path observing implementation, exactly what gedi does, minus gedi's reference based change-tracking.

There is no reason to add a polyfill for Object.observe, because gedi already does everything that a polyfill would do anyway.