gaearon / react-hot-boilerplate

Minimal live-editing example for React

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hot reloading not functioning

abd124abd opened this issue · comments

any ideas why it is failing to hot reload? Am required to refresh in order to update while working on your react-dnd chess tutorial, thanks :)

not sure if am doing something incorrectly but needed to add es6 and jsx regex to the loaders as well as a resolve key for the extensions for it to render properly.

*11.7.2015 - installed Node 4.x, still not working unfortunately.
Re-installed webpack-dev-server globally after the new node install and it's now working.

Having the same problem @cryptolemming

Did not work for me at first. After installing Node 4 and the latest versions of node-gyp and npm hot module reloading works. Maybe my comment in this thread helps others: nodejs/node-gyp#629 (comment)

Hi, for me it does not work as well, even if I have installed Node 4. Can't reload content at all.

.., Sorry, have to rectify... For me, it does still not work. Sometimes hot code reloading works, sometimes not. Very strange...

What I noticed this is all about some bad settings/packages/versions in node. At work I normally installed boilerplate and it was working like a charm. At home I have problems. I need to reinstall completely my env ^^

Maybe this could help you: I had the same issue. At work it worked like a charm, at home sometimes yes, sometimes no. Thus, it had to be any timing issue. I played around with some WebpackDevServer options. Try this:

new WebpackDevServer(webpack(config), {
  watchOptions: {
    aggregateTimeout: 300,
    poll: 300

Now, webpack hot reloading works for me.
Tried it with node 4.2.2, npm 3.5.0, webpack 1.12.9, webpack-dev-server 1.14.0


I have experienced this issue. I tried @stevenpietzsch's solution and it seems working but no idea what I'm doing actually. Where the problem comes from is my concern now, any idea?

Yep @stevenpietzsch your addition worked for me as well. So my server.js now looks like:

new WebpackDevServer(webpack(config), {
  publicPath: config.output.publicPath,
  hot: true,
  historyApiFallback: true,
  watchOptions: {
    aggregateTimeout: 300,
    poll: 300

I have no idea what this addition changes though, care to clarify a bit?

@stevenpietzsch Yeah! It works! Thansk! But there should not be a default configuration.

hi guys. Not sure if you guys are still experiencing this problem. The solution that works for me was to remove "hot: true" from the server.js.

The reason for this is you are already using webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin along with the React Hot Loader module. Dan gives a specific note within his wiki to not call out --hot. --hot is the same as hot: true for Inline Dev Server.


This is all very confusing. I tried @Prophet32j's recommendation and that got my app refreshing completely upon each update. I then put back 'hot: true' and tried what @stevenpietzsch suggested and now it updates only the specific component when it detects a change, checking every .3 seconds I assume?

I think, I found the solution for the problem. I found the clue here:
You should have a look at your IDE, in my case PHPStorm, and disable the safe mode. After that, hot reloading works like a charm, even without

hot: true,
watchOptions: {
  aggregateTimeout: 300,
  poll: 300

thanks @stevenpietzsch, I'll look into this but I'm just using sublime and running from my terminal... will let you know if I find any kind of safe mode though.


Closing as most of it is related to Webpack, and we can’t fix these issues here.

Not sure this is relevant, but leaving a note just in case: I had a strange and subtle hot-reloading bug due to a caps case issue. When my file path used the incorrect casing, everything still worked except for hot-reloading on that module. The app was working, but hot-reloading failed silently.

I changed the incorrect import Home from '../components/Home'; to the correct import Home from '../Components/Home'; ('C' -> 'c') and hot reloading worked again. Sneaky.

It looks like caps-case issues have bitten others in similar situations: #8