gadventures / django-fsm-admin

Mixin and template tags to integrate django-fsm transitions into the django admin.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Multiple Objects

symbiosdotwiki opened this issue · comments


It would be great if there was a mixin to allow for transitions to multiple objects. I wrote up simple extension to the mixin that allows for this, but it's not very generic for generation of buttons. This is useful for creating ListViews where a user can transition multiple objects.

class MultipleFSMTransitionMixin(FSMTransitionMixin):
    def _get_requested_transition(self, request):
        Extracts the name of the transition requested by user
        posts = []
        for key in request.POST.keys():
            if key.startswith(self.fsm_input_prefix):
                fsm_input = key.split('-')
                    (fsm_input[1], fsm_input[2], fsm_input[3])
        return posts

    def fsm_post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        objects = []
        transitions = self._get_requested_transition(request)
        for fsm_field, transition, obj_id in transitions:
            if transition:
                obj = self.model.objects.get(id=obj_id)
                self._do_transition(transition, request, obj, None, fsm_field)
                objects.append((obj, transition))
        return objects

    def button_name(self, transition, label):
        if hasattr(transition, 'custom') and 'button_name' in transition.custom:
            return transition.custom['button_name']
            # Make the function name the button title, but prettier
            return '{0} {1}'.format('_',' '), label).title()

I'm using just an admin action, in your admin:

def actionname(modeladmin, request, queryset):
     for obj in queryset:
actionname.short_description = "short description here"

In yout ModelAdmin class:
actions = [actionname,]

with this you can select multiple rows on admin and apply transition.
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