gadget114514 / invector-inventorypro-integration

Invector and Inventory Pro integration

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

invector-inventorypro-integration (+ UMA2)

Invector and Inventory Pro integration

It causes errors for recent invector (3). This unity package is modified to fix them.

add vThirdPersonControllerPlayer to vThirdPersonController gameobject.

The following images shows the inventory pro and invector integration example.



  1. maybe the first you have to do is overwriting inventory pro by github cloning.
  2. Create third person controller character.
  3. Add vThirdPersonControllerPlayer
  4. Add Inventory Player
  5. Setup Inventory Pro Database and UIs. (add _Manager gameobject and setup UI etc)
  6. Set UIs to Inventory Player and Handler to Inventory Player also.
  7. Done!

Alternative inventory pro + UMA2 integration

this is UMA2 recipe based integration; it looks easier than implemented in inventory-pro integration.

  1. extract (two files)
  2. it extends EquippableInventoryItem; xetype and xename; they are used for "slot" and "name" each. ; if your class EquippableInventoryItem is not declared as partial, change it it to partial.
  3. Create EquippableInventoryItem with xetype and xename in main item database editor, if it is UMA2 item.
  4. use UMA2CharacterEquipmentHandler instead of CharacterEquipmentHandler; (create asset and use it in InventoryPlayer component)

Maybe this implementation impacts minimum to existed sources. wardrope only.



Invector and Inventory Pro integration