Gabriel Gustafsson (gabrielgustafsson)


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Application of a spring reverberation modelling technique proposed by Välimäki, Parker et al. The process of the model was conducted through observations and analysis of recorded impulse responses from two spring reverberation tanks – a Leem Pro KA-1210 and a Sansui RA-700. Based on characteristics presented in these responses, their spectrograms both displayed a similar basis, as follows: a sequence of decaying chirp-like pulses progressively blurred over time into a reverberant tail. In the digital signal processing, a modelling of the latter can thereby be implemented using techniques familiar from other forms of digital reverberation effects: a spectral delay filter, comprised of a cascade of identical all-pass filters, with a temporal smearing and attenuation of the signal, using a modulated multi-tap delay line in a feedback loop.
