gabekiriakos / Cosmos

A clean look to i3

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UPDATE (3/28/2020):
Several personal changes to i3 config.
Note: Updates to python may require reinstallation of several programs.

A clean and lightweight theme with minimal transparency for i3-gaps.


Apps running in screenshot: Vim (with Powerline), Ranger, and gotop.


  • System Menu (Shutdown, Suspend, etc.): $mod+e
  • Display Menu (Dock, HDMI, Mirror): $mod+x
  • Screenshot (via Scrot): $mod+p
  • Toggle Window Floating: $mod+w
  • Seamlessly Switch Workspaces: Mod1+tab
  • Exit Active Window: Control+q
  • Rofi Menu: $mod+d
    Simple drop-down menu with minimal transparency. Place custom.rasi in /usr/share/rofi/themes/. Enable with rofi-theme-selector.

User can modify these features and more in the i3 .config.

i3-gaps, i3status, py3status, i3lock, i3lock-fancy-rapid, rofi, picom, lightdm, noto sans fonts, awesome fonts, ttf-monaco, termite, dunst, nitrogen, lxappearance, acpid, ntfs-3g, udisks2, udiskie, mesa (Intel GFX), lib32-mesa (Intel GFX), vulkan-intel (Intel GFX), powerline, alsa-utils, pulseaudio, pavucontrol, light (xbacklight alternative for laptops), python-pydbus, papyrus-icon-theme

yay, neofetech, network manager, network-manager-applet, bluez, bluez-utils, blueman, noto fonts extra, noto fonts cjk, noto fonts emoji, fcitx, fcitx-configtool, fcitx-mozc, fcitx-im, fcitx-skin-material, baobab, pcmanfm, cmus, cava, neofetch, gtk-engines, gtk-engine-murrine, materia-gtk-theme, flat-remix-gtk, htop, gotop, mons, indicator-sound-switcher, geany, scrot

Assuming the user has lightdm autologin enabled, i3lock-fancy-rapid will start upon boot. To disable this feature, comment out exec --no-startup-id sleep 1 && i3lock-fancy-rapid 5 3 in the i3 .config file.

A custom service (i3lock.service) was created as a sleep hook. The user name must be modified. Place in /etc/systemd/system/ and enable using systemctl enable i3lock.service.

The custom i3status.conf needs to be placed in /etc/ in order for py3status to work after it is installed.

MPRIS is used to display player status in py3status. python-pydbus is the only required dependency.

Notebook users can place 30-touchpad.conf in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ for trackpad gestures.

i3 needs to be installed with the options of i3-gaps, i3-status, and i3-lock. A compositor isn't required but is strongly recommended, especially to achieve the look and feel of this theme and transparency effects. To that end, Picom is the best compositor for i3. Lightdm is assumed to be the default display manager for this setup.

All other dependencies listed above should also be installed, especially if you are using a laptop with integrated Intel graphics. Optional applications are also encouraged for the complete experience.

Dotfiles should be added to their respective locations according to the framework of the distrobution. This installation guide assumes the user is on Arch Linux so please refer to the wiki page for details concerning each application.

For more customizations, go here for i3 colors and here for terminal colors.

I am in no way, shape, or form, responsible for anything that YOU did wrong to your own system. The user should assume the risks involved before these configurations are attempted.

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A clean look to i3


Language:Python 85.8%Language:Shell 12.3%Language:Vim Script 1.8%Language:CSS 0.1%