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OpenGL Mathematics (GLM)

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'quat_cast': identifier not found when using glm as C++20 module

Silverlan opened this issue · comments

The issue happens if you try to use the glm::mat4 constructor of glm::quat, when using glm as a module under Visual Studio 2022. I've tried it with the latest GLM version (45008b2).


import glm;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
	glm::mat4 m;
	glm::quat q{ m };
	return 0;

I've set up a test repository for replicating the problem: https://github.com/Silverlan/test_glm_module
Simply clone the repository (with submodules) and run the build.bat, or fork the repository and check the workflow output.

The line glm::quat q{ m }; causes this error:

D:\a\test_glm_module\test_glm_module\glm_cxxmodule\glm\glm\detail\type_quat.inl(240,11): error C3861: 'quat_cast': identifier not found [D:\a\test_glm_module\test_glm_module\build\glm_test.vcxproj]
  (compiling source file '../main.cpp')
  'quat_cast': function was not declared in the template definition context and can be found only via argument-dependent lookup in the instantiation context
  the template instantiation context (the oldest one first) is
  	see reference to class template instantiation 'glm::qua<float,glm::packed_highp>' being compiled
  	while compiling class template member function 'glm::qua<float,glm::packed_highp>::qua(const glm::mat<4,4,glm::f32,glm::packed_highp> &)'
  		see the first reference to 'glm::qua<float,glm::packed_highp>::qua' in 'main'

If you call glm::gtc::quat_cast directly instead of using the constructor, the error vanishes:

import glm;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
	glm::mat4 m;
	glm::quat q = glm::gtc::quat_cast(m);
	return 0;