fzyzcjy / flutter_rust_bridge

Flutter/Dart <-> Rust binding generator, feature-rich, but seamless and simple.

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Add ability for using freezed to generate classes

jquesada2016 opened this issue · comments

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Currently, it seems like only sum-type enums are using @freezed to generate their classes. It would be really nice if we could opt in to using @freezed for other transferable classes, mostly to get the nice codegen that comes with the copyWith() method.

Describe the solution you'd like
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Add something like #[frb(freezed)].

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Nevermind, I just found this.

Can we please get a link to these docs in the docs.rs documentation? I always have to hunt down the link in the github repo

Can we please get a link to these docs in the docs.rs documentation? I always have to hunt down the link in the github repo

Sure! Where do you think we should put it?

It could be one of the first things at the top of the crate's docs as well as in the attribute macro's docs. There it says to go read the docs but doesn't say where to find them :p

Good idea, feel free to PR for the doc!