fyne-io / fyne

Cross platform GUI toolkit in Go inspired by Material Design

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when dialog.ShowFileOpen then click cancel,window quit and program terminated

AncestorDragon opened this issue · comments


  • I have searched the issue tracker for open issues that relate to the same problem, before opening a new one.
  • This issue only relates to a single bug. I will open new issues for any other problems.

Describe the bug

fyne.io/fyne/v2 v2.4.5
os: Windows

when dialog.ShowFileOpen then click cancel,window quit and program terminated

How to reproduce

when dialog.ShowFileOpen then click cancel,window quit and program terminated


No response

Example code

button := widget.NewButton("aaa", func() {
	dialog.ShowFileOpen(func(f fyne.URIReadCloser, err error) {
		filePath = f.URI().Path()
	}, myWindow)

Fyne version

fyne.io/fyne/v2 v2.4.5

Go compiler version


Operating system and version


Additional Information

No response

This is not a bug. The documentation for the function (https://pkg.go.dev/fyne.io/fyne/v2/dialog#ShowFileOpen) notes that it will return nil for the file when none is selected. I.e. your application is crashing because you are not checking if f is nil. While likely not the issue here, you will probably run into even more issues given that you aren’t checking the error.