fyne-io / fyne

Cross platform GUI toolkit in Go inspired by Material Design

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fyne does not render text from SVG files.

jimorc opened this issue · comments


  • I have searched the issue tracker for open issues that relate to the same problem, before opening a new one.
  • This issue only relates to a single bug. I will open new issues for any other problems.

Describe the bug

I created an SVG image containing text using Inkscape. I have bundled the image into a simple program to display the image, but no image is displayed. If I create an image with text and other objects, the objects are displayed but the text is not.

Here is the content of bundled.go as generated using the instructions below:

var resourceTextSvg = &fyne.StaticResource{
	StaticName: "text.svg",
	StaticContent: []byte(
		"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n<!-- Created with Inkscape (http://www.inkscape.org/) -->\n\n<svg\n   width=\"210mm\"\n   height=\"297mm\"\n   viewBox=\"0 0 210 297\"\n   version=\"1.1\"\n   id=\"svg1\"\n   inkscape:version=\"1.3.2 (091e20e, 2023-11-25)\"\n   sodipodi:docname=\"text.svg\"\n   xmlns:inkscape=\"http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape\"\n   xmlns:sodipodi=\"http://sodipodi.sourceforge.net/DTD/sodipodi-0.dtd\"\n   xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"\n   xmlns:svg=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\">\n  <sodipodi:namedview\n     id=\"namedview1\"\n     pagecolor=\"#505050\"\n     bordercolor=\"#eeeeee\"\n     borderopacity=\"1\"\n     inkscape:showpageshadow=\"0\"\n     inkscape:pageopacity=\"0\"\n     inkscape:pagecheckerboard=\"0\"\n     inkscape:deskcolor=\"#505050\"\n     inkscape:document-units=\"mm\"\n     inkscape:zoom=\"0.2102413\"\n     inkscape:cx=\"394.78447\"\n     inkscape:cy=\"561.25984\"\n     inkscape:window-width=\"1312\"\n     inkscape:window-height=\"449\"\n     inkscape:window-x=\"0\"\n     inkscape:window-y=\"25\"\n     inkscape:window-maximized=\"0\"\n     inkscape:current-layer=\"layer1\" />\n  <defs\n     id=\"defs1\" />\n  <g\n     inkscape:label=\"Layer 1\"\n     inkscape:groupmode=\"layer\"\n     id=\"layer1\">\n    <text\n       xml:space=\"preserve\"\n       style=\"font-size:43.4281px;fill:#00ff00;stroke-width:5.4285\"\n       x=\"28.561747\"\n       y=\"86.570786\"\n       id=\"text1\"\n       transform=\"scale(0.95191966,1.0505088)\"><tspan\n         sodipodi:role=\"line\"\n         id=\"tspan1\"\n         style=\"stroke-width:5.4285\"\n         x=\"28.561747\"\n         y=\"86.570786\">A bunch</tspan><tspan\n         sodipodi:role=\"line\"\n         style=\"stroke-width:5.4285\"\n         x=\"28.561747\"\n         y=\"140.85587\"\n         id=\"tspan2\">of text</tspan></text>\n  </g>\n</svg>\n"),

How to reproduce

  1. Create an SVG image containing text using Inkscape.
  2. Save file to program source directory as text.svg
  3. fyne bundle -o bundled.go $GOPATH/source-dir/text.svg
  4. go run .


Here is the image as created in Inkscape:
Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 14 13 45

Using the program in the example code, below, this is what is displayed:
Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 14 16 25

Example code

package main

import (

func main() {
	myApp := app.New()
	mainWin := myApp.NewWindow("image test")
	image := canvas.NewImageFromResource(resourceTextSvg)
	mainWin.Resize(fyne.NewSize(300, 300))

Fyne version


Go compiler version

1.22.1 darwin/arm64

Operating system and version

macOS 14.4.1

Additional Information

No response

You're right our SVG parser does not yet handle text.

This is a duplicate of #685