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Cross platform GUI toolkit in Go inspired by Material Design

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Toolbar does not display in both markup and image test rendering

Bluebugs opened this issue · comments


  • I have searched the issue tracker for open issues that relate to the same problem, before opening a new one.
  • This issue only relates to a single bug. I will open new issues for any other problems.

Describe the bug

When upgrading shopping to fyne 2.4.4, my test broke. We assumed it was just some change affecting the markup output and that the toolbar being 0 pixels was ok. It is actually breaking also the image tests.

If you add a line to render and check against pixels at the same line as the markup failing one here like the following: test.AssertRendersToImage(t, "shopping_list_new_item.png", a.win.Canvas()). This will give the following result:


Notice the absence of toolbar at the bottom right of the window.

How to reproduce

  1. Pull the branch from Bluebugs/shopping#35
  2. Add test.AssertRendersToImage(t, "shopping_list_new_item.png", a.win.Canvas()) at line 118 in https://github.com/Bluebugs/shopping/blob/main/ui_test.go
  3. Check the resulting picture.


No response

Example code

Example code is as in the git repository. I do not have a smaller example.

Fyne version


Go compiler version


Operating system and version

Arch Linux

Additional Information

No response

My understanding was that it was just the toolbar when inside tabs that were not currently visible. I guess this means that was incorrect?