fuzeman / Hama.bundle

Plex HTTP Anidb Metadata Agent (HAMA)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Absolute Series Scanner (ASS):

If all video files are showing in plex the scanner did its job. Please view https://github.com/ZeroQI/Absolute-Series-Scanner/blob/master/README.md

HTTP Anidb Metadata Agent (HAMA)

HAMA was initially created By Atomicstrawberry until v0.4 included. I have used a date stamp ex 2015-08-31 for the versions

Here are HAMA agent features:

* AniDB ID to TVDB/TMDB ID matching (with studio and episode mapping list) with ScudLee's xml mapping file
* Posters from TVDB (assign a poster to each anidb id in anidb to tvdb mapping file to avoid poster duplicates)
* TVDB episode screenshots
* Episode summary (in English only) courtesy of TVDB through ScudLee's XML episode mappings
* Uses studio from mapping file then AniDB (as often missing from AniDB)
* Search part entirely local through AniDB HTML API database file anime-titles.xml
* Separate language order selection for the series name and episode titles in Agent Settings (Supports Kanji characters in folders, filenames, titles)
* Warnings in html report files (no poster available, episode summary empty, TVDB id not in mapping file) to allow the community to update more easily the mapping XML or TVDB, list of missing episodes
* Collection mapping from ScudLee's movie collection ammended with AniDB RelatedAnime field
* Unique posters by using the anidbid rank in the mapping to rotate the posters
* when a serie is not found in AniDB, search TVDB and TMDB automatically

Metadata source

I use AniDB HTTP title database file and ScudLee's XML files with his approval

ScudLee's XMLs: https://github.com/ScudLee/anime-lists/ ScudLee's XBMC AniDB mod agent: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=142835&pid=1432010#pid1432010

* anime-titles.xml        AniDB HTTP API, contain all anime titles, downloaded from http://anidb.net/api/anime-titles.xml.gz
* anime-list-master.xml   ScudLee's AniDB to TVDB xml mapping file, give studio and episode mapping list for te episode overview, downloaded from [here](https://raw.github.com/ScudLee/anime-lists/master/anime-list-master.xml)
* anime-movieset-list.xml ScudLee's movie collection (Because XBMC only supports movie collection and the files were developed for AniDB mod XBMC plugin), downloaded from [here](https://raw.github.com/ScudLee/anime-lists/master/anime-movieset-list.xml)

HAMA downloads the XMLs from the internet (using Plex cache for 1 week), then local, then resource folder. For pictures and theme songs, it takes from the cache first, then the internet

The XMLs are downloaded (cached) and a copy is saved In the agent data folders and used in case of connection issues * anime-titles.xml: http://anidb.net/api/anime-titles.xml.gz [API: http://wiki.anidb.net/w/API] * anime-list-full.xml: Maps the AniDB ID to the TVDB ID, providing studio,episode mapping matrix, tmdb/tmdb id * anime-movieset-list.xml: Allows movies to be grouped together * tvdb benner and serie xml: episode titles and summaries, screenshot, posters * anidb serie xml: Serie information, poster * Plex theme song: Serie theme song

Hama creates specific html log files with links to facilitate updating the metadata databases used for everyone's benefits and even list missing episodes:

  • [...]/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Data/com.plexapp.agents.hama/DataItems/AniDB.htm
  • [...]/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Data/com.plexapp.agents.hama/DataItems/TVDB.htm
  • [...]/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Data/com.plexapp.agents.hama/DataItems/themes.htm
  • [...]/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Data/com.plexapp.agents.hama/DataItems/anime-list.htm
  • [...]/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Data/com.plexapp.agents.hama/DataItems/Missing Episodes.htm

Here is the feedback logs description and one example of every feedback: . AniDB.htm
- Aid: 00002 No poster present

. Anime-list.htm ScudLee;s XML file feedback - Aid: 00002 '3x3 Eyes' AniDB and anime-list are both missing the studio - Aid: 00002 '3x3 Eyes' AniDB have studio 'xxx' and XML have 'yyy' - Aid: 00002 '3x3 Eyes' has no matching tvdbid ('OAV') in mapping file - Aid: 00002 anime-list is missing the anidbid

. Themes.htm Plex TV theme support whose filename is based on TheTVDB.com id and last 30s max. Wouldn't mind somebody a package will all complete mp3 theme songs whose name would be the AniDB ID (to account for the seasons different songs)... - Aid: 00002 '3x3 Eyes' tvdbid: 70973 '3x3 Eyes' Missing theme song 3x3 Eyes' No English poster - aid: 00002 tvdbid: 70973 '3x3 Eyes' Overview Empty - aid: 00002 tvdbid:70973 s1e1 Overview Empty

I did change the metadata id from the Anidb ID to "anidb-xxxxx" with xxxxx being the anidbid. You can use anidb.id file in series or Series/Extras folder or in the serie name " [anidbid-xxxxx]" at the end of serie folder name, works also for tvdb " [tvdb-xxxxxxx]". Older agents before that need to re-create the library to have a metadata.id beginning with "anidb-"


Get the latest source zip in github release for hama https://github.com/ZeroQI/Hama.bundle > "Clone or download > Download Zip Folders to copy in Plex main folder:

* "Scanners"         "Scanners/Series" folder needs creating. Absolute series Scanner.py" goes inside. 
* "Plug-ins"         https://github.com/ZeroQI/Hama.bundle > "Clone or download > Download Zip. Copy Hama.bundle-master.zip\Hama.bundle-master in plug-ins folders but rename to "Hama.bundle" (remove -master) 
* "Plug-ins support" https://github.com/ZeroQI/Hama.bundle/releases/tag/v1.0 > Plug-Ins.support.folders.7z Agent data folders (Plug-ins support/Data/com.plexapp.agents.hama/DataItems/AniDB|OMDB|Plex|TMDB|TVDB) goes inside
* "Logs"             "X-Plex-Token.id"      Put the url token inside from a video item "view xml" to have a log per library [https://support.plex.tv/hc/en-us/articles/204059436-Finding-your-account-token-X-Plex-Token]
Some PMS verions (Windows) do not need require authentication to give access to the library XML file (Windows ?)

Plex main folder location:

* '%LOCALAPPDATA%\Plex Media Server\'                                        # Windows Vista/7/8
* '%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Plex Media Server\'         # Windows XP, 2003, Home Server
* '$HOME/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/'                     # Mac OS
* '$PLEX_HOME/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/',               # Linux
* '/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/', # Debian,Fedora,CentOS,Ubuntu
* '/usr/local/plexdata/Plex Media Server/',                                  # FreeBSD
* '/usr/pbi/plexmediaserver-amd64/plexdata/Plex Media Server/',              # FreeNAS
* '${JAIL_ROOT}/var/db/plexdata/Plex Media Server/',                         # FreeNAS
* '/c/.plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/',                 # ReadyNAS
* '/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/PlexMediaServer/Library/Plex Media Server/',        # QNAP
* '/volume1/Plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/',            # Synology, Asustor
* '/raid0/data/module/Plex/sys/Plex Media Server/',                          # Thecus
* '/raid0/data/PLEX_CONFIG/Plex Media Server/'                               # Thecus Plex community    

MANDATORY: Go into the agent data folder ("Plug-In Support/Data/com.plexapp.agents.hama/DataItems") and make sure the following folders are all created: (folders are included in Zip archive on thread, i recently added "TVDB/episodes" folder for TVDB screenshots).

  • "AniDB"
  • "Plex"
  • "OMDB"
  • "TMDB"
  • "TVDB"
  • "TVDB/blank
  • "TVDB/_cache/fanart/original"
  • "TVDB/episodes"
  • "TVDB/fanart/original"
  • "TVDB/fanart/vignette"
  • "TVDB/graphical"
  • "TVDB/posters"
  • "TVDB/seasons"
  • "TVDB/seasonswide"
  • "TVDB/text"

Agents can only write data in data folder as binary objects or as dictionaries, but cannot create folders unfortunately. Any folder missing will crash the agent when an attempt to write inside is done. That is a Framework issue, all attemps are in try/except structure, to no avail...

I use these folders to cache all pictures, theme songs, since they are not cached by Plex. This way, even if you recreate the whole Plex anime folder entry, you do not have to download the same file again.

Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS

  • sudo service plexmediaserver stop
  • sudo chown -R plex:plex /var/lib/plexmediaserver
  • sudo chmod 775 -R /var/lib/plexmediaserver
  • sudo touch /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Plug-in\ Support/Data/com.plexapp.agents.hama/StoredValues
  • sudo chmod 777 /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Plug-in\ Support/Data/com.plexapp.agents.hama/StoredValues
  • sudo chown plex:plex /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Plug-in\ Support/Data/com.plexapp.agents.hama/StoredValues
  • sudo service plexmediaserver restart

On linux be aware of permission issue:

OpenMediaVault (Debian):

  • "sudo chmod 775 -R /var/lib/plexmediaserver"


  • "chown -R plex:users"
  • "chmod -R 700"

if having: CRITICAL (storage:89) - Exception writing to /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Data/com.plexapp.agents.hama/StoredValues (most recent call last): File "bundles-release/Framework.bundle-dist/Contents/Resources/Versions/2/Python/Framework/components/storage.py", line 81, in save IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Data/com.plexapp.agents.hama/._StoredValues'

  • touch /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Data/com.plexapp.agents.hama/._StoredValues
  • chmod 777 /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Data/com.plexapp.agents.hama/._StoredValues
  • chown plex:plex /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Data/com.plexapp.agents.hama/._StoredValues
  • service plexmediaserver restart


If no folder in data was created or data moved there and no new option was added to the agent settings, it will work.

* Update scanner file with the latest from https://github.com/ZeroQI/Absolute-Series-Scanner/blob/master/Scanners/Series/Absolute%20Series%20Scanner.py
* replace agent "_ _init_ _.py" with the latest from https://github.com/ZeroQI/Hama.bundle/blob/master/Contents/Code/__init__.py
* replace agent "DefaultPrefs.json" with the latest from https://github.com/ZeroQI/Hama.bundle/blob/master/Contents/DefaultPrefs.json

If it doesn't, get latest zip and start from scratch, but no need to delete "Plug-in Support" folder

After restarting Plex servers, the new agent will be loaded and you will find all agents settings in the official framework agent settings window:

* "Plex > Settings > Server > Agents > TV Shows > HamaTV > Agent settings"


Plex logs: https://support.plex.tv/hc/en-us/articles/200250417-Plex-Media-Server-Log-Files

Agents' update() method is called only when adding new items to your library or when doing a "Force Refresh" or a "Fix Incorrect Match".

If files and series are showing in Plex GUI but not all metadata is updating, that is the Agent doing. Install issue under linux are generally permission issues, see installation section

If posters are missing, check that all the data folders are created and the agent is where it should be (see folder list above)

Agent logs to include:

  • [...]/Plex Media Server/Logs/Plex Media Scanner (custom ASS).log (episodes info)
  • [...]/Plex Media Server/Logs/Plex Media Scanner (custom ASS) filelist.log (library file list)
  • [...]/Plex Media Server/Logs/PMS Plugin Logs/com.plexapp.system.log
  • [...]/Plex Media Server/Logs/PMS Plugin Logs/com.plexapp.agents.hama.log

Support thread for agent:

To Do

Studio icons

For studio icons, for a comparison, XBMC uses png file, white-on-clear, sized 161px x 109px, and are saved in 'skin.aeon.nox"/media/flags/studios/' for example.

On Plex however, it uses 512x288px .png located in '/volume1/Plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins/Media-Flags.bundle/Contents/Resources/Studio/'. substitutions.xml file in parent folder contain the mappings and needs amendind

Studio logos from http://forum.xbmc.or...d.php?tid=70398 [https://sites.google...imeStudios.zip] seem to work but are tiny. after playing with logos a bit, it seems: . no logos name in folder include dots, dash, exclamation point but can contain + and some contain spaces . if a logo\NAS\Plex\Library\Application Support\Plex Media Server\Plug-ins\Media-Flags.bundle\Contents\Resources\Studio is detected, if you replace it in PMS, it won't refresh even after clearing the browser cache...

After some research, to update Plex, the Media-Flags.bundle is here: https://github.com/p...tents/Resources Source: http://forums.plexap...4-studio-logos/. That would allow many to work on it and be included in the next release for everybody's benefits

There is an index file that needs ammending called substitutions.xml XML file [Plex\Library\Application Support\Plex Media Server\Plug-ins\Media-Flags.bundle\Contents\Resources\substitutions.xml] format is below:

        <match name="20th_Century_Fox" expression="20th century fox" />
        <match name="20th_Century_Fox" expression="fox 2000" />
        <match name="20th_Century_Fox" expression="fox film corp" />
        <match name="20th_Century_Fox" expression="twentieth century fox" />        [...]
        <match name="divx" expression=".*divx.*" />
        <match name="dolbydigital" expression="a_ac3" />


Plex HTTP Anidb Metadata Agent (HAMA)

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%